Please pray with me…
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for a great day and that You are such a wonderful and forgiving God! Thank You that people kneeled before You on black Monday, praying for each other in public places!! You are touching us all in such a wonderful way!!!!! All the honor belong to You! You are Master, Healer, Provider and King above all kings!!!! Your mercy for every human being is astounding Lord and this morning I just want to bow down before You, lift up my hands and sing a love song to You, my Bridegroom! You are the only One I adore and love with my whole being!!! Praises be to Your Name!
This morning I want to pray for the relationship of children towards parents.
1. You know that the relationship towards parents in South Africa is not good my King.
2. Children are talking to their parents as if they were dogs. (generalization)
3. Children does not have respect for older people, would trample you out of their way, and is only focused on themselves.
4. Oh Lord, I beg with You to touch all the young children in South Africa, so that they would once again learn respect for their parents.
5. I pray that You will first of all follow each child in South Africa until they give their hearts to You.
6. Heal them of their rebellion, of which being selfish is the main characteristic.
7. I pray that You will close their eyes for the movies they are watching where children is talking to their parents with no respect.
8. I pray that You will show them that You hate it when they treat their parents with disrespect, because Your order is: First God, then the husband, then the wife and then the children. This is how it should be.
9. I pray that You will help us all in South Africa, because giving your child a hiding is being taken away from us. Teach us Your supernatural way to discipline our children Lord.
10. I pray that parents would become stricter with their children, realizing that our children is not our friends, but that they have to be disciplined to become good children when they are grownups!
11. I pray that You will touch the heart of every child in South Africa, so that they will realize the value of their parents and will see what their parents is doing for them.
12. Teach them love, respect and commitment towards their parents my King!
13. I pray that You will start to move over South Africa, healing broken relationships between children and their parents.
14. Please Lord, help all the children, especially through their teenage years and also through the delayed teenage years (children after school having their teenage years for the first time.) Please stabilize their hormones, help them to be able to cope with South Africa as it is now and to be set on serving You!!!
15. Follow every child in South Africa so that they will give their hearts to You, that they will start to commit to You and thus start to learn the answer to all their problems – Jesus!
16. I pray that You will touch children so that they will first go to their parents, ask forgiveness for the way they have treated their parents and start to build the relationship with their parents that You want them to have.
17. Touch the heart of every parent in South Africa also, so that they will have the guts to go to their children, ask forgiveness for things they have done wrong against their kids, and that relationships would be repaired!
18. Teach us all in South Africa that confrontation is not always bad, but that misunderstandings is also wiped from the floor when we confront each other and talk about things that is wrong!
19. Life is full of fear in South Africa Lord, and I am thinking of every child and how THEY must feel it if we, as parents, feels the effect of fear for crime in our land. Please give every child Your peace and Your tranquility in their hearts.
20. Let them run to You when they are scared and let them talk to You about their fears, their pain, their fear of not getting work and everything that is on their mind.
21. And if the parents of children are totally absent in their lives? Please send them someone that can have a HEALTHY surrogate relationship with them, just to be a stepping stone in healing relationships!!
22. Please pull a blanket of protection over every child and every parent in South Africa this morning!
23. Heal broken relationships, restore families and help families to once again turn back to You, to serve You, to be committed to You and to pray together!!!
24. I pick every child and parent up in my arms, walk into Your throne room and put them all on Your lap. Only You can heal, restore and teach new values. Please help all of them and have mercy on them!!!
25. Please teach fathers and mothers in South Africa to anoint their children regularly. How to anoint someone:
26. Your Word says that we should bless. I bless every child and parent in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!
27. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
28. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!! We urgently NEED YOU FATHER, JESUS, and HOLY SPIRIT!!!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Please read here about how government wants to take over schools and no teacher or parent will have a say in the schools but the government. Please vote BEFORE 10.11.2017!!!
Here is a few links that may be helpful to you:
What is worship?
How can I give my heart to God?
How do I confess my sins?
Contact me
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Please pray with me…
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for a wonderful morning and a brand new day! Thank You that You have watched over us! I lift my hands before You in praise! You are worthy to praise and to receive all honor! I adore You my King! You are my whole life!!!
This morning I want to pray for government, all ministers, president
1. Lord, You know what is going on in South Africa, how we are all suffering because of junk status.
2. I want to pray for every person working in the government, all ministers and the president of South Africa.
3. Please follow each one of them until they give their hearts to You.
4. Change them around my King so that they will serve You, will obey You and that they will only be able to listen to Your voice!!
5. Please give them wisdom and knowledge to do only the things that You want to allow in South Africa.
6. My King, please stop them in their tracks before 10 November with taking over schools and with parents and teachers having no say in the way the school is handled. This is very dangerous and can impact all of our children. (Read more about this just after the prayer.)
7. I pray that You will touch every minister’s heart so that they will stand up, not for their own pockets, but for all the people of South Africa and do what is right in Your eyes.
8. I pray that only justice will be served on Zuma. You know what he did and so do all of South Africa. We only plead for justice and fairness. Let the justice system work in Your favor and let the justice system proof that even the president may never be above the law.
9. Lord, You know what is going on behind the scenes, every decision that is made that is not in the interest of any person in South Africa. Please stop this immediately!!!!
10. Please Lord, take over our government, and rule South Africa the way You want it to be ruled.
11. I beg and cry Lord that You will save our beautiful country and all its people from going downwards more and more.
12. Have mercy on every person in South Africa Lord. Hear our cries for help and give us an outcome that is from You!!!!
13. I bind the minds of every person working in the government, every minister and the president, so that they will only be able to listen to Your voice and do what You allow them to do!!!!!
14. Break every spell, every power, and every authority that is not from You and that has taken over our beautiful country in the Name of Jesus and send confusion Lord!!
15. Please take the ownership of South Africa back Lord. Everything on this earth belongs to You, but through our actions and our decisions we have chased You away as the owner of South Africa and has taken over ourselves. Please take back the ownership of South Africa so that we will once more stand under Your rule!!!
16. Lord, please do not be the Gentleman You are and stay out of our affairs. Please step in and help us all!!!!! We need You sooo much!!!
17. Father, all of us this morning pleads for one thing in South Africa: peace and tranquility!!!!!
18. If the current government, ministers and president cannot give that to us, please take them off the seat and give us a government, ministers and a president that can restore peace, order, discipline so that we can all have peace and tranquility in our land!!
19. I cry before You for South Africa and its people!! We have forgotten about You, but please, please, please do not forget about us Lord!!! Hear our cries, see our circumstances and have mercy on all of us!!!!
20. This morning I want to confess all my sins. If there is anything standing between me and You, please open my eyes so that I can see it and confess it. Please let every person in South Africa fall on their knees this morning, confess our sins, and just start to walk with You, following Your lead.
21. If there is any hatred, any racism, any form of hate and anger in my heart towards any other race in South Africa, I want to confess it to You. Please forgive me Lord, wash me with Your blood and help me to love every person in South Africa with the love of Jesus!!
23. THANK You my King, that You are going to help us miraculously, that You are going to take back the ownership of South Africa in such a way that we will all stand amazed at Your power, Your majesty and the way You rule a country!!!! (Faith in action)
24. I pick every person in government, every minister and the president up in my arms and walk into Your throne room. I place them on Your lap Father. Please take over because we don’t know what to do anymore! Only You can help us now and change the hearts of those we have placed on Your lap this morning!!!
25. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. I bless every person working in the government, all ministers and the president in the Name of Jesus!
26. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
27. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!! We urgently NEED YOU FATHER, JESUS, and HOLY SPIRIT!!!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Please read here about how government wants to take over schools and no teacher or parent will have a say in the schools but the government. Please vote BEFORE 10.11.2017!!!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Please pray with me…
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
You are the great I am, the Lily of the valley. You are the Lion of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega (the Beginning and the End). You are so beautiful and wonderful Lord! I exalt Your Name!! I Yield to You Lord! I worship and praise you because you are the King of kings, my Father, my Friend and my Comforter!
This morning I want to pray for all broken relationships in South Africa.
1. Broken relationships can cause hatred and unforgiveness my King, keeping people away from You.
2. This morning I pray for every broken relationship in South Africa.
3. Firstly I want to pray for those people that has broken their relationship with You. Maybe something happened or did not happen in their lives and they blame You. Maybe someone was killed and they blame You for not helping. Maybe something bad came their way and they blame You for that. Please touch them ever so gently so that they would realize it is not Your fault and that they will want and need to heal the relationship with You!!!
4. I want to pray for every person that got a divorce in South Africa. Divorces cause unforgiveness and hatred towards the other partner. Children hate or do not forgive the parent that defaulted, and sometimes the one that took a step to get the divorce. And … if they cannot forgive, You cannot forgive them. I pray that al divorcees would bow their knees before You today, that they will confess all the hatred and unforgiveness (maybe it is only in their subconscious) they have inside them and that You will wash them with Your blood. They cannot repair the broken relationship my King, but they can choose to forgive and to set free!
5. I want to pray for broken relationships between all races in South Africa. Bad things has happened from all races towards all races, but… that does not mean that every person of that races is bad! Open our eyes Lord so that we will forgive each other and You can forgive us. We pray for our country, but we hate other races. This cannot happen Lord. Please move from person to person in South Africa Holy Spirit and touch us so that we will confess our hatred and unforgiveness towards any race, that we will all be washed by the blood of Jesus, and that we will start to love one another in this country with Your love!!!
6. I want to pray for couples whose marriage is on the rocks right now! I pray that You will touch them, that You will teach them how to love each other again and that You will repair these marriages. And if is just too late and the marriage is on the verge of a divorce? Help them to forgive each other, to set each other free and to take You as their Bride or Bridegroom!!
7. I pray for broken relationships between employers and employees. Wherever there is unforgiveness for being treated unfairly or for people stealing from employers, bring healing. Maybe these relationships cannot be repaired once more, but please help them to forgive one another, to set one another free!
8. I cry before you for broken relationships between parents and their children. Only You know the circumstances my King, but broken relationships between parent and child, or child and parent is very, very painful. Please help each one to forgive the other one, to be the smallest and go and repair the broken relationship!
9. I pray for spouses living in alcohol and drug abuse houses. The emotional pain of living together with a person that is filled with the alcohol and drug devil is severe Lord! And this can cause the other spouse and children to divorce emotionally from their partner! Hatred and unforgiveness then fill the partner and children’s hearts. Please help them to forgive and to set free Lord.
10. I pray for siblings (broers en susters) and step sibling rivalry! Oh Lord, please heal these relationships! Help them to understand that You died for all of them and that, in Your eyes, every person in South Africa that gave his/her heart to You is Your child. So… in You, we are all brothers and sisters. Let them forgive each other and rather learn how to pray together.
11. I pray for every other broken relationship in South Africa Lord. Please help us all to forgive one another, to set one another free and to heal broken relationships! But… we are so weak Lord. Please work gently with each one of us, helping us to repair relationships, to be healed inside and to love one another with the love of Jesus!!!!
12. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Help each one of us in South Africa to forgive one another, no matter what happened in the past! Let us forgive and forget, set free and start to bless and anoint each other!! (HOW TO ANNOINT SOMEONE:
13. I confess that there is people that I have never forgiven – known to me or maybe even only in my subconscious mind. I forgive them in the Name of Jesus and set them free. I bless every person that has EVER done something wrong against me in the Name of Jesus!!
14. Thank You Lord that You are now healing broken relationships, that You are convincing people to heal broken relationships and that You are healing South Africa!!! (Faith in action)
15. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
16. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Here is a few links that may be helpful to you:
What is worship?
How can I give my heart to God?
How do I confess my sins?
PS. Please go to the top of this article and add your e mail address to receive more articles. You can opt out at any time!! In 2018 I am going to start articles about emotional help, how to work through your trauma, etc!
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Please pray with me…
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You so much that You are a caring, generous, loving and merciful God!!! I praise You with my whole being! May every person here on earth bow down before You on our knees and confess that You are the King of kings, Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! All honor belongs to You!! You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. There is none like You here on earth!!!
This morning I want to pray for farm and other murders in South Africa.
1. Lord, one too many farm murder has sparked a fire in South Africa.
2. People all over the internet is worked up and is tired of all the murders in our beautiful country. And this can become a big, big problem if unattended too, because some people want to grab arms and start to do something about the problem.
3. According to minister Mbalula 52 murders are committed in South Africa every day (statistic for 2016/2017)! This is really shocking!
4. My King, this morning I come to plead with You for peace and that we will all realize a war is not the answer!
5. We really are tired of the murders happening in our country, people being slaughtered for nothing or for just a cellphone.
6. But… I pray that You will take over this problem for us so that it can be handled in a better way than grabbing for firearms and starting a war. Rather give us Your supernatural wisdom to know what we can do to rectify this problem and to let the government know we have had enough.
7. I also feel that all the murders have to stop, but I pray that somehow, You will calm down the people that want to fight and take up arms. A war is not good Lord – for none of us.
8. I pray that You will rather gather us together and teach us to pray, to really bow down before You, confess our sins, get our lives in order and allow You to be the Owner of South Africa, handling this murder problem.
9. I cry before You that You will calm down everybody in South Africa so that we will not take matters into our own hands, but rather listen to You leading us.
10. I pray for the families of farm and other murders in South Africa. Please carry them my King and give them Your strength, Your love, Your peace.
11. I pray that You will break this chain of hate and violent murders in the Name of Jesus!
12. Please Holy Spirit, move from person to person in South Africa, destroying the devils plans in all of us – murderer or not!!! Let us rather listen to Your voice than our instincts.
13. I pray for every murderer, and every person that is planning to murder, that You will touch their hearts so that they will look at the person in front of them and see their own family at home – their mother, father, brother, sister, their own children – and that they will not be able to murder this person in front of them.
14. I pray that You will sharpen all of us in South Africa’s senses so that we will feel that something is wrong and rather get someone to help if a murderer is in or near our houses.
15. I pray and beg that You will convince every Member of Parliament to tighten the screw so that the death penalty could come back!
16. Lord, people that know You are ruled by Your Holy Spirit, but people that do not know You are ONLY RULED BY FEAR. So bringing back the death penalty and enforcing it publicly and on all media would be the only thing that would install fear back to people, thus stopping the brutal and unnecessary murders.
17. I pray that our president and all the members of parliament would realize this and that they will stand up for the innocent and good people of South Africa, thus demanding the death penalty to return.
18. But… if the president and government do not want to listen to Your voice and do something to stop farm and other murders altogether, that You will send us a new president and government that will care about the good, peaceful and innocent people of South Africa, thus doing something about the problem.
19. I beg in labor that You will protect every person in South Africa that can fall victim to a murderer!!!! Please pull a blanket of protection over each one of us Lord and sent Your angels to guard and watch over each one of us.
20. Help each one of us to look out for one another, so that we can pick up signals and signs that something is planned and that we will act on that immediately.
21. You have created us as social beings, talking and visiting each other. But these days we all live in fear, only go home and to work, thus becoming anti-social and living in constant fear.
22. Lord, fear and murder is not from You. You said in Your Word that we should not murder.
23. Work swiftly with every murderer in South Africa Lord. They think if no one sees them and know they have murdered they are ok. But… YOU SEE EVERYTHING AND YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. Start to deal with them in Your own terms my King.
24. I beg again that everyone in South Africa will not resort to weapons, but that all races in South Africa will stand together to show the government that we, the good, decent and innocent people of South Africa has had it with murders!!
25. Lord, this morning I walk into Your throne room and bring this severe, brutal problem of murder to You and put it down on Your lap. We here in South Africa do not know how to handle it, and the government does not seem to care about us and be able to handle this problem. PLEASE handle this problem for us! We need Your help and intervention so badly!!!!!
26. We confess we have strayed from Your straight and narrow road. We confess that we have become cold for You –all of us in South Africa. Please forgive us and help us to stand up with our hands in Your hand, never to let go of Your hand!!!
27. Help us to become a God fearing country once more, placing You as our number one Priority and everything else far behind You.
28. Touch every person, even the murderer’s hearts, so that we will all bow before You, give our hearts to You and serve You with our whole being!!!!!
29. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. It is very difficult to bless someone if they have killed your loved one and I am really suffering to do this Lord. But… I want to obey Your Word. Therefore, I bless every murderer in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!! You just reminded me that You died for all sinners – the murderers too!!! I did not want to hear this, but… it is the truth!! Forgive me for thinking that You only died for the “good” people of South Africa. Have mercy on all of us Lord!!!!
30. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
31. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
PS. Please go to the top of this article and add your e mail address to receive more articles. You can opt out at any time!! In 2018 I am going to start articles about emotional help, how to work through your trauma, etc!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Please pray with me…
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
You gave me love when nobody gave me a prayer!! What a gracious, wondrous God You are! How will I ever be able to thank You enough for Your love, Your mercy and Your grace over my life? Oh Lord, please see the thanksgiving in my heart and may this be an offer of worship and praise to You!!! You are the ONLY LIVING GOD IN THE UNIVERSE! Hallelujah!!!!!
This morning I want to pray for the relationship between siblings (broers en susters) as well as step siblings in South Africa.
1. There has been a lot of divorces in South Africa my King and this has led to a lot of second and even third marriages or relationships.
2. And suddenly step brothers and sisters are thrown together in one house, with each one of them just wanting to end this marriage so that dad or mom can go back to their original spouse.
3. And relationships between blood brothers and sisters (siblings) is not going to well either.
4. I want to pray for all relationships between siblings, whether it is blood siblings or step siblings.
5. Please move through South Africa now Holy Spirit, touching every sibling relationship, healing and restoring broken relationships.
6. Please let every brother and sister (including step siblings) realize that time is short and that broken relationships is not good.
7. Please help siblings to bury the hatchet and forgive each other because Your Word says so.
8. You said that, if we cannot forgive someone, You cannot forgive us!!!
9. Please, please Lord, don’t let siblings live with unforgiveness!!!! Touch them so that they would reach out first, even if they were the victim of another sibling’s aggression!!!
10. Please help every sibling in South Africa to just forget about themselves, their own pride, their jealousy, and to realize that his/her brother or sister is also Your child, and You also died for them!!!
11. Let them fall on their knees before You this morning, first confessing their sins, and then phone or drive to each other, repairing relationships!!
12. You are Lord of relationships and You have created us with social brains. Please help us to restore this broken relationships between siblings (broers en susters.)
13. And if one of the siblings is really a problem child? You said that we must forgive or You cannot forgive us. Help us all to ask forgiveness, to mend broken relationships and to pray for each other.
14. Help every brother and sister (including step siblings) to love one another with Your love. Your love is not difficult Lord. In fact Your love heals, restores and rejuvenates!
15. Help each one of us to not put off, but to repair broken relationships!
16. Please my King, touch every heart, soul, mind and being of every brother and sister (including step siblings) to realize how short life is, that it is time to repair broken relationships and bury the past.
17. If we do not forget the past and the things that happened, it still has control over us.
18. Please mend the bond between brothers, sisters and step siblings, giving them Your love for each other and strengthening the bond between them so much that nothing can break it.
19. If they are jealous towards each other, even only in their subconscious mind, break this jealousy in the Name of Jesus and replace it with Your fruit of the Spirit!!
20. I plead for healing and restoring of relationships between siblings my King.
21. Once we start to work on relationships and healing them, we will start to feel how free You can really make a person!!
22. Once we start to confess that we are sinners and has done wrong things to siblings and even hate them, You can start to restore relationships.
23. Convince us of our sin, our hatred towards siblings and broken relationship that need healing.
24. Keep us so much under Your conviction, that we will not have any peace until we start to forgive, set free and anoint the sibling that we had a problem with. How to anoint someone:
25. Thank You Lord that You are stepping in, that You are talking to our hearts and that You will keep reminding us to forgive and restore relationships. (Faith in action)
26. And… where the relationship has been damaged so much that there is no reconciliation? Please help us to still forgive that person, not because we are great, but because Your Word says that we must forgive to be forgiven!
27. I pray that, all the secrets between siblings and things that happened and remained in darkness now come to light Lord. Let us open up ourselves before You, pour out our hearts about things that happened a long time ago and get healing in our hearts!!!!!
28. You know that once something has come to the light, it can never go back to darkness again.
29. Help each sibling and step sibling today to come to terms with things that went wrong in their relationship, to confess everything regarding this, to forgive and restore broken relationships!
30. I pick every brother, sister, step brother and step sister in South Africa up in my arms and bring them to Your throne room. I put them on Your lap Lord. Please heal the rivalry, the hatred and the broken relationships because only You can!! Only You know how to touch each one of us so that we can be restored in our hearts, minds and souls.
31. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. This also goes for siblings and step siblings. Please bless and anoint every sibling and step sibling in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
32. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
33. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Here is a few links that may be helpful to you:
What is worship?
How can I give my heart to God?
How do I confess my sins?
How do I fast?
PS. Please go to the top of this article and ad your e mail address to receive more articles. You can opt out at any time!! In 2018 I am going to start articles about emotional help, how to work through your trauma, etc!
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for a lovely morning and for all the rain You provided! You are an amazing God! May Your Name be exalted here in South Africa by all Your people and even those that do not know You. All the honor and glory belongs to You Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!! You are Elohim, the One to whom all power belongs! Praises be unto Your Name!!
This morning I want to pray for the gangsters in South Africa.
1. Gangsterism has reach severe heights Lord.
2. In some places the gangsterism has become so severe that even the police is afraid of them.
3. I want to pray for every gangster in South Africa this morning.
4. Please move from one to the other, touching their hearts with Your Holy Spirit!
5. Change the hearts of every gang member Lord, so that they will stop violence, crime and brutal killing, not only towards other gang members, but also towards all the people they rob, hit and kill.
6. Soften their hearts with Your Spirit so that they will look at this person in front of them and realize that this could have been their own mother, father, sister or brother.
7. Please break the spirit of a group of “wild animals” in them, acting very bravely when they are in a group and doing severely bad things then, but not being so brave when they are alone!
8. Break the “bond” that is between all the gangsters in South Africa.
9. Let them all become weak in You.
10. I pray that You will send Your angels out in front of every gangster group in South Africa, so that You will protect the innocent people they want to attack. Please hide the innocent in Your arms my King.
11. Break every spell, every bad attitude inside them, every need they have to be in control and to control others by force and violence.
12. I beg and plead with You that they would rather become members of Your group, giving their hearts over to You and serving You with the same passion they had when they were gangsters.
13. Open their eyes to see the very bad people they have become and to turn around.
14. I pray that You target every head of the gangsters this morning in the Name of Jesus.
15. Confuse them in their brain Lord so that they would start to have a heart, to listen to You and to rather suggest good ideas to make money rather than to steal and murder.
16. Give every gang member a great idea for a legitimate business for all of them, so that they will discuss this business in such great detail that they would forget to rob, steal and hurt people!
17. Make them excited about the idea of starting their own legitimate business Lord!!!
18. Please touch them so that they would start to play one or the other music instrument, thus getting their frustration out of them and placing something gentle, like music, in their hearts.
19. If they are on drugs, help them with their addiction, that they would stop doing drugs and start to become addicted to You.
20. I pray for every mother of a gangster, that You will strengthen that mothers heart, mind and soul. Help her to pray, with others, for her child’s soul!!!
21. I pick every gangster in South Africa up in my arms, walk into Your throne room and place them on Your lap Lord. We can do nothing to change their hearts, but You can!!!! Touch them Lord and do not let them go until they have change around to serve You!!!
22. I thank You that You are changing gangster’s hearts RIGHT NOW! (Faith in action)
23. I thank You that You are giving them other dreams, that You are waking up childhood dreams of becoming this or that in their hearts in the Name of Jesus!!! (Faith in action) And that You will also provide the means for them to fulfill their childhood dreams in miraculous ways.
24. Thank You that so many testimonies will be heard all over South Africa of gangsters that You have touched and that has changed their ways around!!!! I praise You for that!!!!
25. Touch every gangster’s heart in the Name of Jesus, and give them emotional healing from their hurt, their pain, maybe even rejection that they experienced as a child!
26. Break down every bad spirit inside them and place Your fruit of the Spirit in their hearts, minds, souls and body!
27. When any gangster wants to kill someone, stop their arm in the air and don’t let them be able to move that arm for at least an hour! Let them realize that You are bigger than they are, and You are now protecting the innocent people of South Africa!
28. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every gangster in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
29. I pray for….. name…. who is a gangster. …………………………………………
30. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
31. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Here is a few links that may be helpful to you:
What is worship?
How can I give my heart to God?
How do I confess my sins?
How to anoint someone:
How do I fast?
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
You are wonderful, the best Friend ever and my Master and King. All honor and glory belongs to You Lord!! I lift Your Name up high and I exalt You. May my song to You tell you about my great love, my great respect and willingness to serve You!! I love You very, very, very much!!!
This morning I want to pray for the elderly in South Africa.
1. I know You have a special place in Your heart for the elderly Lord.
2. You bestow such wisdom on each one of them!
3. I want to pray that You will touch every old person in South Africa today with Your gently touch.
4. Please touch their bodies and give them healing where needed.
5. I pray for their finances, that You will help them to be able to survive every month with their salary.
6. I pray for every lonely and neglected old person in South Africa, that You will send them someone that can love them, that can take care of them and that really would spoil them rotten.
7. I pray that You teach the old people, that think they have no meaning here on earth, to pray. Teach them to pray for their children, their grandchildren, for South Africa, for our youth in South Africa, for people around them. Give them a purpose in their lives once more my King and open their eyes to realize that, sometimes you get old and have all the time in the world so that you are able to pray!!!
8. I pray that You will touch the hearts of children and grandchildren that has forgotten about their parents. Some people just stuck their parents in an old age home and forget about them Lord! Please work in their hearts to once again realize that this person is my mom and dad, the one that looked after me when I was young. Let them realize that their kids see how they are treating their parents and will just follow suit one day!!
9. I pray for those that cannot even walk anymore. Please let them feel Your Presence today and know that You are next to them. Give them hope and Your love my King!!
10. I pray for those old people that are hungry, that does not have money to buy groceries. Oh Lord, please provide for them in miraculous ways!!!! Use the rest of us to somehow find them and help them out.
11. Thank You for people that make it their lifes purpose to help the elderly, to take care of them when no one else does.
12. Bless the children that really take care of their parents!!!
13. I pray that You will cure the old people that has cancer, heart problems and aches and pains all over their body. Touch them from their head to their toe my King and give them Your healing!!!!!!!
14. Please help every old person to live with dignity, without the fear of being rejected and with lots and lots of love.
15. Help the elderly that are in old age homes, not to be beaten up by workers, but to stand up for themselves, to tell quickly when something bad is happening to them, so that our old people can be protected!!!
16. Bless every old person in South Africa today with a double and triple blessing!!!!
17. Lord, if there is any old person in South Africa that does not serve You, please send someone on their way to talk to them about Your salvation!! Please do not let any of the old people go astray, but lead them back to You. If it needs be, talk to the old people that does not serve You in an audible voice so that they would give their hearts to You and be saved from eternal doom!!!!
18. I beg and cry that You will now move from child to child of old people sitting in an old age home, being neglected by their children. Touch every child’s heart so that they will remember their father or mother, take them home to spend at least Christmas with them and restore the relationship between the elderly and their children.
19. I pray that You will protect the old people in their houses and on their farms. They are so frail and vulnerable my King. Please send Your angels to watch over them and pull a blanket of protection over every old person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!!
20. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every old person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
21. I pray for….. name....
22. Please pull a blanket of protection over every old person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
23. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Here is a few links that may be helpful to you:
What is worship?…/…/what-is-worship.html
How can I give my heart to God?…/how-can-i-give-my-hea…
How do I confess my sins?…/…/confess-my-sins.html
How to anoint someone:…/how-to-anoint-someone…
How do I fast?…/…/how-do-i-fast.html
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Monday, October 23, 2017
Giving Your heart to God is one of the ultimate things you can do in your life.
God send His Son Jesus to earth so that He could die on the cross for our sins. God could have saved Him from the cross, but "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that we could be saved."
Salvation has been provided by Jesus. You and I must now just accept it. (A sinner's prayer is included near the end of this article.) These small steps are all that is needed to be saved:
Adam and Eve sinned in paradise, thus losing the loving relationship they had with God. They could have walked and talked with God every day, but was expelled because of their sins. This impacted all of us till today. We were created to walk and talk to God, and will be searching for that until we give our hearts to God and have peacefull communion with Him.
There is NO deed you can do on this earth to be saved. No human plan will work. You can only be saved through Jesus Christ, His grace and His mercy.
God send His Son Jesus to earth so that He could die on the cross for our sins. God could have saved Him from the cross, but "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that we could be saved."
By dying on the cross, and giving His blood and His life for us, Jesus became the "Middleman" (mediator) between us and God. God now sees each one of us through Jesus!

Salvation has been provided by Jesus. You and I must now just accept it. (A sinner's prayer is included near the end of this article.) These small steps are all that is needed to be saved:
- Realize that you have sinned and that you are going to hell.
- Talk to God and confess your sins.
- Invite God into your heart, mind, soul, body and whole being.
- Confess that Jesus is Lord. With this you give Christ full rule over your life!
- You must confess and believe that God has raised Jesus from the death. When you realize this you will understand that the penalty for your sin has been paid by Jesus and that you no longer live a life of sin.
- But... and this is a big but... if you have confessed your sins, you must also walk away from them and sin no more!!
Romans 10:9-10 (NIV)
If you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Do you believe you are a sinner and right now you are going to hell without God? Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again? Please pray this sinners prayer:
Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
I have sinned against You! I am sorry that I have sinned and I bring every sin that I ever did before You. Please forgive all my sins and help me not to sin anymore! I believe that Jesus died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive and hears my prayer.
Jesus, I invite You into my life. Please wash me with Your blood and cleanse me. Please lead me by Your Holy Spirit every day and help me to obey You and to do Your will. I ask this in the Name of Jesus.
Congratulations!!!! You have now become a child of God!!! And do you know what God just did for you???
He removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west!!!!!! He never think of your sins anymore!!!! You have been forgiven and set free! This is a new beginning for you!!!

- Spend time with God each day. It can be in the morning or the evening, but get a specific time to pray and study the Bible.
- Pray before you start to read the Bible and ask God to teach You from His Word. Start to read the Bible from the New Testament. (I think it is just a little more practical! It will give you the do's and dont's!) When you have finished to read the New Testament, start to read the Old Testament. Take only one chapter or a few verses every day, but read them with intense focus.
- Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ. This is just to help you to commit to serving God.
- Find a good Bible based church where you can worship God. The communion with other followers of Christ is of great help!
- Get good Christian music and listen to it daily. It will strengthen your spirit!
- Please remember that the devil would try to stop you in your tracts. He will come to you with whole lies, half truths, etc. Do not let him get you off your path.
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Touched by Jesus!!!!! |
Please keep reminding yourself of the following:
- My sins have been removed from me as far as the east is from the west!!
- God has forgotten about my sin. So should I!!
- It does not matter to God what my past was. He cares about my future and where I am going with my future!!
- I am now a SON / DAUGHTER of God through Jesus!!
- Almighty God knows me by my name!!!!
- My name has been engraved in the palm of God's hand!
- He has made me just a little lower that the angels!
- He knew me before I was knitted together in my mother's womb!!
- I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me!!!
(You can print this out and keep it where you can read it every day)
May your journey with God be an adventure! May He bless you with His Presence, His love and His mercy!!!
Ps. Here is a few more articles that might be helpful to you:
PS. If you would like to receive more prayers or articles about handling emotional trauma, please fill in your e-mail adress at the bottom of this article (follow by e mail). Articles about emotional trauma will start in 2018... or maybe earlier. 😃 You can opt out at any time!!
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for being the Alpha and Omega – my Beginning and my End! I lift my hands in worship, praise and honor to You. You are worthy to open up the Book! I rejoice in You my Father, Friend and Comforter! May Your Name be exalted on high and may every person on earth bow down and worship You in truth!!
What is worship? See this link:
This morning I want to pray for unsaved people in South Africa.
1. We are known as a “Christian” country my Lord, yet there is still so many people that does not know You, that does not want to know You and even hate You.
2. I want to come before You this morning in prayer, begging You to have mercy on every sinner and every unsaved person that does not know You.
3. Follow every unsaved person in South Africa until they give their hearts to You.
4. It is in Your will that people must be saved. Please don’t let anyone go astray my Father, but transform people’s lifes by touching them gently in the Name of Jesus!
5. I cry before You for unsaved people that is walking in the direction of hell!
6. Oh my King, please don’t let them continue on this path of destruction, but grab their hearts, minds and souls before they are forever lost!!!!
7. Convince every unsaved person in South Africa that they are doomed for eternity!
8. Change their hearts around my King and help us, as Your children to help them and show them the path!
9. Work in us, as Your children, so that our lives will also be right before You!
10. I pray for those that has given their lives to You, but has turned away from You, has backslidden or has become cold for You because of their circumstances.
11. Give them all a hunger and a thirst for You, Your Word and for prayer!!!!
12. Please don’t let them go astray Lord, but touch all of them in the Name of Jesus, not because they deserve it, but because You have so much compassion and mercy!
13. Please start to move from Cape Town Holy Spirit, and gently convince every sinner, every backslidden Christian, every non-committed Christian and every unsaved person to turn to You!!!!
14. Please do not be the Gentleman You are by giving us a choice to serve You Lord. Please ignore that and convince us all of sin and hell and turn us all in South Africa around so that we will become Your servants and Your children.
15. I plead with You in labor that You will not forget about any person in South Africa, but that You will touch us with Your Pentecostal revival, changing our hearts immediately and teaching us to serve You in truth!!!!!
16. I pray for every person reading this right now that does not know You. Please touch them right where they are and convince them that they need You right now!!!! Please do not let them say they will do it later, but hold their thoughts until they have prayed the sinners prayer and gave their lives over to You!!!
For a little advise on giving your heart to God please go to:
17. We pray for all “Christians” in South Africa that You will touch them with Your miracle and change them to committed children of God, wanting to read Your Bible, pray and have communion with You!!!
18. Please show me if something is standing between me and You Lord, so that I can confess it, turn my life over to You and become more dedicated to You!!
19. Touch the heart of every person that does not know You and does not want to know You my King. Let them fall on their knees and know that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! Help them to confess their sins, and give their hearts to You!
To learn more about repenting sins, go here:
20. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every unsaved and backslidden person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
To learn more about anointing someone please go here:
21. (Pray here what you feel lead to pray for or for someone that needs your prayer urgently)
22. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
23. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
I love You with everything in me! You are my Master, Teacher, Healer, my best Friend in the whole world and the best Father I could have asked for! I lift my hands up to You in praise and worship. You are Almighty, the great I am, Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!! All the honor, glory and power belongs to You and no one else than You my King and Lord!!!
What is worship? See this link:…/…/what-is-worship.html
This morning I want to pray for miracles in South Africa.
1. If South Africa ever needed miracles, it is now Lord.
2. We are going through a rough time with our economy and crime.
3. People that does not know You reverts to violence
4. Depression is at the order of the day and people do not know where to run from their fear Lord.
5. I plead, beg and cry before You to send us miracles in South Africa.
6. I’m not praying for more money, more belongings, and more earthly stuff. Yes, we also need that and You know what we need even before we ask it.
7. I pray for spiritual miracles, those that touch our whole beings!
8. I pray that You will give us all the greatest miracle that any country could ask for – a Pentecostal revival – starting in Cape Town, hitting us like a Hiroshima bomb and spreading through South Africa like a wild fire!
9. I cry before You with my whole being for a great revival Lord. You know that is the only thing that would unite every race, every creed, and every religion!!
10. Please have mercy on us, hear our cries and do not turn Your heart, eyes and ears away from South Africa and all its people and our cries.
11. I pray for the miracle of no more fear and stress, but Your calmness and tranquility throughout the whole of South Africa!
12. I pray for miraculous healings in relationships between husband and wife, parents towards children, children towards parents, siblings (broers en susters) amongst each other.
13. I pray that all races in South Africa, in a great miraculous touching of Your powerful hand, would realize that God does not look at the color of your skin, but that He looks only at your heart, mind and soul.
14. I pray for the miracle of lots and lots of rain in and around Cape Town, so that their dams will be filled to capacity, but that no flood would kill anyone or destroy property. And let all the honor just be given unto You!!
15. Lord, please give us the miracle of touching every murderer, every corrupt person, and every person that is doing crime in South Africa, so that they would stand up for You, teach others Your Word and thus do well.
16. Please start with the miracle in my own heart Lord, fixing my mind, soul and spirit unto You so that I would look over small obstacles in my way, and just see the AWESOME BIG GOD I’m serving. Then help me to spread that word to my family, my friends, my colleagues and every person in South Africa and the world!!
17. Please heal our sick miraculously! I pray for that lady that has been in bed for years on end, a young woman that had a stroke and cannot be healed. Father, she needs a miracle!! Touch her just there where she is lying, and heal her completely!! Let no person get the honor for that Lord, only You. You are touching her brain Lord! I thank You for that!
18. I pray that You will give each one of us in South Africa the miracle of stretching our groceries, like the woman in the Bible with the flour and oil.
19. Unemployment has reached an all-time high my Father. Please give every unemployed person the miracle of a job, or creating a small business for themselves so that they can survive.
20. I pray for every person praying with me, for their families and their situations. Please give them all a miracle right there where they need it!!!!
21. Lord, we do not want signs and wonders to know that You exist. We know You exist! We beg for miracles so that others would see what our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit can do and so that they can give their hearts to You.
22. We pray for all “Christians” in South Africa that You will touch them with Your miracle and change them to committed children of God, wanting to read Your Bible, pray and have communion with You!!!
23. Please show me if something is standing between me and You Lord, so that I can confess it, turn my life over to You and receive Your miracle of mercy and grace!!!!
24. Father, we need a big miracle in our government! You are the Owner of South Africa, yet our government does not really give You the honor. I pray that You will touch every person in the government, starting with our president and change their hearts around.
25. Change the whole political spectrum around in South Africa so that You will be praised and honored by what happens, so that people around the world would realize that only a BIG, GREAT AND WONDERFUL GOD could have given us the miracle of change in political arenas.
26. I pray for extreme and Your supernatural miracles here in South Africa. Let no person get the honor for any miracle performed by You, but touch South Africa with so many miracles that no one out there can believe that You do not exist!!
27. Touch the heart of every person that does not know You and does not want to know You my King. Let them fall on their knees and know that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! Help them to confess their sins, and give their hearts to You!
To learn more about repenting sins, go here:…/…/confess-my-sins.html
28. Touch the gangsters in such a miraculous way that they would turn around, start to preach Your Word and would use their built up aggression to serve You with their whole beings!!!!
29. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus and give every person the exact miracle they need – not necessarily what they ask for Lord!!
To learn more about anointing someone please go here:…/how-to-anoint-someone…
30. (Pray here what you feel lead to pray for or for someone that needs your prayer urgently)
31. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
32. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
I love You with everything in me! You are my Master, Teacher, Healer, my best Friend in the whole world and the best Father I could have asked for! I lift my hands up to You in praise and worship. You are Almighty, the great I am, Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!! All the honor, glory and power belongs to You and no one else than You my King and Lord!!!
What is worship? See this link:…/…/what-is-worship.html
This morning I want to pray for miracles in South Africa.
1. If South Africa ever needed miracles, it is now Lord.
2. We are going through a rough time with our economy and crime.
3. People that does not know You reverts to violence
4. Depression is at the order of the day and people do not know where to run from their fear Lord.
5. I plead, beg and cry before You to send us miracles in South Africa.
6. I’m not praying for more money, more belongings, and more earthly stuff. Yes, we also need that and You know what we need even before we ask it.
7. I pray for spiritual miracles, those that touch our whole beings!
8. I pray that You will give us all the greatest miracle that any country could ask for – a Pentecostal revival – starting in Cape Town, hitting us like a Hiroshima bomb and spreading through South Africa like a wild fire!
9. I cry before You with my whole being for a great revival Lord. You know that is the only thing that would unite every race, every creed, and every religion!!
10. Please have mercy on us, hear our cries and do not turn Your heart, eyes and ears away from South Africa and all its people and our cries.
11. I pray for the miracle of no more fear and stress, but Your calmness and tranquility throughout the whole of South Africa!
12. I pray for miraculous healings in relationships between husband and wife, parents towards children, children towards parents, siblings (broers en susters) amongst each other.
13. I pray that all races in South Africa, in a great miraculous touching of Your powerful hand, would realize that God does not look at the color of your skin, but that He looks only at your heart, mind and soul.
14. I pray for the miracle of lots and lots of rain in and around Cape Town, so that their dams will be filled to capacity, but that no flood would kill anyone or destroy property. And let all the honor just be given unto You!!
15. Lord, please give us the miracle of touching every murderer, every corrupt person, and every person that is doing crime in South Africa, so that they would stand up for You, teach others Your Word and thus do well.
16. Please start with the miracle in my own heart Lord, fixing my mind, soul and spirit unto You so that I would look over small obstacles in my way, and just see the AWESOME BIG GOD I’m serving. Then help me to spread that word to my family, my friends, my colleagues and every person in South Africa and the world!!
17. Please heal our sick miraculously! I pray for that lady that has been in bed for years on end, a young woman that had a stroke and cannot be healed. Father, she needs a miracle!! Touch her just there where she is lying, and heal her completely!! Let no person get the honor for that Lord, only You. You are touching her brain Lord! I thank You for that!
18. I pray that You will give each one of us in South Africa the miracle of stretching our groceries, like the woman in the Bible with the flour and oil.
19. Unemployment has reached an all-time high my Father. Please give every unemployed person the miracle of a job, or creating a small business for themselves so that they can survive.
20. I pray for every person praying with me, for their families and their situations. Please give them all a miracle right there where they need it!!!!
21. Lord, we do not want signs and wonders to know that You exist. We know You exist! We beg for miracles so that others would see what our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit can do and so that they can give their hearts to You.
22. We pray for all “Christians” in South Africa that You will touch them with Your miracle and change them to committed children of God, wanting to read Your Bible, pray and have communion with You!!!
23. Please show me if something is standing between me and You Lord, so that I can confess it, turn my life over to You and receive Your miracle of mercy and grace!!!!
24. Father, we need a big miracle in our government! You are the Owner of South Africa, yet our government does not really give You the honor. I pray that You will touch every person in the government, starting with our president and change their hearts around.
25. Change the whole political spectrum around in South Africa so that You will be praised and honored by what happens, so that people around the world would realize that only a BIG, GREAT AND WONDERFUL GOD could have given us the miracle of change in political arenas.
26. I pray for extreme and Your supernatural miracles here in South Africa. Let no person get the honor for any miracle performed by You, but touch South Africa with so many miracles that no one out there can believe that You do not exist!!
27. Touch the heart of every person that does not know You and does not want to know You my King. Let them fall on their knees and know that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! Help them to confess their sins, and give their hearts to You!
To learn more about repenting sins, go here:…/…/confess-my-sins.html
28. Touch the gangsters in such a miraculous way that they would turn around, start to preach Your Word and would use their built up aggression to serve You with their whole beings!!!!
29. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus and give every person the exact miracle they need – not necessarily what they ask for Lord!!
To learn more about anointing someone please go here:…/how-to-anoint-someone…
30. (Pray here what you feel lead to pray for or for someone that needs your prayer urgently)
31. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
32. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
You are the best Friend, Father and Comforter in the whole universe!! May Your Name be exalted on high!! I worship and praise You because You are wonderful, omnipotent and ever around me! Thank You for the price You paid on Calvary Jesus, that You died for a sinner like me!! My heart sing to You in rejoicing!!!
What is worship? See this link:
This morning I want to pray for all the problems in South Africa.
1. You know everything that is going on and every need in South Africa.
2. I want to pray that You will help every one of us in South Africa with our problems.
3. I confess my sins before You Lord – those that I remember and those that are hidden in my subconscious mind. Please cleanse and purify me through the blood of Jesus. Help me to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, but hold my hand because I am very weak my King.
4. Please heal all broken relationships.
5. Provide financially for everyone in this beautiful country.
6. Please heal the sick, those with cancer, aids and other ailments.
7. Please take away our stress Lord and help us to find our rest in You.
8. Please help us so that crime will be dealt with in South Africa and that we won’t life in fear every day of our lives.
9. Save marriages in South Africa my King. Please move from house to house, touching couples so that they would rather look up to You, follow You and become a triangle with You as the Head of the marriage!!!!
10. Please provide for the homeless, hungry and unemployed people everywhere in South Africa.
11. Help our government to get the right president that would be beneficial towards building South Africa up, thus helping homeless, hungry and unemployed people to get work, a home and have peace in their lives.
12. We pray that You will start in Cape Town, move through South Africa and up into Africa, pouring our Your Spirit on each one of us Holy Spirit!! We need You sooooo desperately!!!!
13. Please help employers and employees to pray together, to be honest and work together as a team – Your team!
14. Please restore respect between parents, their children and step children.
15. Lord, protect our children and our grandchildren. Please send Your angels to guard over each one of them, dealing with perpetrators and those that want to harm Your little ones!!!!
16. Please deal swiftly with corrupt people, teaching them Your will and Your principles.
17. I pray for Pentecostal revival in South Africa! Please touch EVERY person in South Africa Holy Spirit, so that we will all turn around and serve You in truth, in honesty and that we will commit to You 100%
18. I pray for all substance abusers. Heal their hurt and show them that it is better to get addicted to You!
19. Please heal hatred between races and countries my King. Let yesterday be yesterday, and let us now all work together as a team in South Africa to build this country, not only for ourselves, but especially for You!!
20. Please take over South Africa’s economy! Give us the right managers to handle the finances, but let us always remember that You are the Owner of South Africa, and we are only co-workers here!
21. I pray for extreme and Your supernatural miracles here in South Africa. Let no person get the honor for any miracle performed by You, but touch South Africa with so many miracles that no one out there can believe that You do not exist!!
22. Touch the heart of every person that does not know You and does not want to know You my King. Let them fall on their knees and know that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! Help them to confess their sins, and give their hearts to You!
To learn more about repenting sins, go here:
23. Take our old people in Your arms and give them so much love! Help us all not to forget our fathers and mothers in old age homes, but to give them respect and lots of love.
24. Please stop violence and gangsters in their tracts Lord. Hate is not from You. Killing is not from You. Please do not let the devil steal from us!!!
25. Please give us the right president and cabinet that YOU want to appoint here in South Africa! Only You can work in people’s minds and change hearts. We desperately cry in labor for You to take over and give us positive changes so that South Africa can once again turn back to You, serve You in honesty and truth and become a peaceful country.
26. Please help every person to love every other person in South Africa with the love of Jesus!!!!
27. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
To learn more about anointing someone please go here:
28. (Pray here what you feel lead to pray for or for someone that needs your prayer urgently)
29. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
30. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
Please pray with me....
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
You are the best Friend, Father and Comforter in the whole universe!! May Your Name be exalted on high!! I worship and praise You because You are wonderful, omnipotent and ever around me! Thank You for the price You paid on Calvary Jesus, that You died for a sinner like me!! My heart sing to You in rejoicing!!!
What is worship? See this link:
This morning I want to pray for all the problems in South Africa.
1. You know everything that is going on and every need in South Africa.
2. I want to pray that You will help every one of us in South Africa with our problems.
3. I confess my sins before You Lord – those that I remember and those that are hidden in my subconscious mind. Please cleanse and purify me through the blood of Jesus. Help me to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, but hold my hand because I am very weak my King.
4. Please heal all broken relationships.
5. Provide financially for everyone in this beautiful country.
6. Please heal the sick, those with cancer, aids and other ailments.
7. Please take away our stress Lord and help us to find our rest in You.
8. Please help us so that crime will be dealt with in South Africa and that we won’t life in fear every day of our lives.
9. Save marriages in South Africa my King. Please move from house to house, touching couples so that they would rather look up to You, follow You and become a triangle with You as the Head of the marriage!!!!
10. Please provide for the homeless, hungry and unemployed people everywhere in South Africa.
11. Help our government to get the right president that would be beneficial towards building South Africa up, thus helping homeless, hungry and unemployed people to get work, a home and have peace in their lives.
12. We pray that You will start in Cape Town, move through South Africa and up into Africa, pouring our Your Spirit on each one of us Holy Spirit!! We need You sooooo desperately!!!!
13. Please help employers and employees to pray together, to be honest and work together as a team – Your team!
14. Please restore respect between parents, their children and step children.
15. Lord, protect our children and our grandchildren. Please send Your angels to guard over each one of them, dealing with perpetrators and those that want to harm Your little ones!!!!
16. Please deal swiftly with corrupt people, teaching them Your will and Your principles.
17. I pray for Pentecostal revival in South Africa! Please touch EVERY person in South Africa Holy Spirit, so that we will all turn around and serve You in truth, in honesty and that we will commit to You 100%
18. I pray for all substance abusers. Heal their hurt and show them that it is better to get addicted to You!
19. Please heal hatred between races and countries my King. Let yesterday be yesterday, and let us now all work together as a team in South Africa to build this country, not only for ourselves, but especially for You!!
20. Please take over South Africa’s economy! Give us the right managers to handle the finances, but let us always remember that You are the Owner of South Africa, and we are only co-workers here!
21. I pray for extreme and Your supernatural miracles here in South Africa. Let no person get the honor for any miracle performed by You, but touch South Africa with so many miracles that no one out there can believe that You do not exist!!
22. Touch the heart of every person that does not know You and does not want to know You my King. Let them fall on their knees and know that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!!! Help them to confess their sins, and give their hearts to You!
To learn more about repenting sins, go here:
23. Take our old people in Your arms and give them so much love! Help us all not to forget our fathers and mothers in old age homes, but to give them respect and lots of love.
24. Please stop violence and gangsters in their tracts Lord. Hate is not from You. Killing is not from You. Please do not let the devil steal from us!!!
25. Please give us the right president and cabinet that YOU want to appoint here in South Africa! Only You can work in people’s minds and change hearts. We desperately cry in labor for You to take over and give us positive changes so that South Africa can once again turn back to You, serve You in honesty and truth and become a peaceful country.
26. Please help every person to love every other person in South Africa with the love of Jesus!!!!
27. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Please bless and anoint every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
To learn more about anointing someone please go here:
28. (Pray here what you feel lead to pray for or for someone that needs your prayer urgently)
29. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!!
30. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!!
I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!!
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