Adam and Eve sinned in paradise, thus losing the loving relationship they had with God. They could have walked and talked with God every day, but was expelled because of their sins. This impacted all of us till today. We were created to walk and talk to God, and will be searching for that until we give our hearts to God and have peacefull communion with Him.
There is NO deed you can do on this earth to be saved. No human plan will work. You can only be saved through Jesus Christ, His grace and His mercy.
God send His Son Jesus to earth so that He could die on the cross for our sins. God could have saved Him from the cross, but "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that we could be saved."
By dying on the cross, and giving His blood and His life for us, Jesus became the "Middleman" (mediator) between us and God. God now sees each one of us through Jesus!

Salvation has been provided by Jesus. You and I must now just accept it. (A sinner's prayer is included near the end of this article.) These small steps are all that is needed to be saved:
- Realize that you have sinned and that you are going to hell.
- Talk to God and confess your sins.
- Invite God into your heart, mind, soul, body and whole being.
- Confess that Jesus is Lord. With this you give Christ full rule over your life!
- You must confess and believe that God has raised Jesus from the death. When you realize this you will understand that the penalty for your sin has been paid by Jesus and that you no longer live a life of sin.
- But... and this is a big but... if you have confessed your sins, you must also walk away from them and sin no more!!
Romans 10:9-10 (NIV)
If you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
Do you believe you are a sinner and right now you are going to hell without God? Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again? Please pray this sinners prayer:
Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
I have sinned against You! I am sorry that I have sinned and I bring every sin that I ever did before You. Please forgive all my sins and help me not to sin anymore! I believe that Jesus died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive and hears my prayer.
Jesus, I invite You into my life. Please wash me with Your blood and cleanse me. Please lead me by Your Holy Spirit every day and help me to obey You and to do Your will. I ask this in the Name of Jesus.
Congratulations!!!! You have now become a child of God!!! And do you know what God just did for you???
He removed your sins from you as far as the east is from the west!!!!!! He never think of your sins anymore!!!! You have been forgiven and set free! This is a new beginning for you!!!

- Spend time with God each day. It can be in the morning or the evening, but get a specific time to pray and study the Bible.
- Pray before you start to read the Bible and ask God to teach You from His Word. Start to read the Bible from the New Testament. (I think it is just a little more practical! It will give you the do's and dont's!) When you have finished to read the New Testament, start to read the Old Testament. Take only one chapter or a few verses every day, but read them with intense focus.
- Tell someone else about your new faith in Christ. This is just to help you to commit to serving God.
- Find a good Bible based church where you can worship God. The communion with other followers of Christ is of great help!
- Get good Christian music and listen to it daily. It will strengthen your spirit!
- Please remember that the devil would try to stop you in your tracts. He will come to you with whole lies, half truths, etc. Do not let him get you off your path.
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Touched by Jesus!!!!! |
Please keep reminding yourself of the following:
- My sins have been removed from me as far as the east is from the west!!
- God has forgotten about my sin. So should I!!
- It does not matter to God what my past was. He cares about my future and where I am going with my future!!
- I am now a SON / DAUGHTER of God through Jesus!!
- Almighty God knows me by my name!!!!
- My name has been engraved in the palm of God's hand!
- He has made me just a little lower that the angels!
- He knew me before I was knitted together in my mother's womb!!
- I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me!!!
(You can print this out and keep it where you can read it every day)
May your journey with God be an adventure! May He bless you with His Presence, His love and His mercy!!!
Ps. Here is a few more articles that might be helpful to you:
CONFESS SINS: https://babsgeldenhuys.blogspot.com/2017/09/confess-my-sins.html
HOW DO I PRAY? https://babsgeldenhuys.blogspot.com/2017/09/how-do-i-pray.html
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