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Saturday, October 28, 2017


TODAYS PRAYER: # PRAYER FOR ALL BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS IN SOUTH AFRICA 40 DAYS OF WORSHIP FOR SOUTH AFRICA FROM 24/9/2017 TO 3/11/2017 Please pray with me… Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit You are the great I am, the Lily of the valley. You are the Lion of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega (the Beginning and the End). You are so beautiful and wonderful Lord! I exalt Your Name!! I Yield to You Lord! I worship and praise you because you are the King of kings, my Father, my Friend and my Comforter! This morning I want to pray for all broken relationships in South Africa. 1. Broken relationships can cause hatred and unforgiveness my King, keeping people away from You. 2. This morning I pray for every broken relationship in South Africa. 3. Firstly I want to pray for those people that has broken their relationship with You. Maybe something happened or did not happen in their lives and they blame You. Maybe someone was killed and they blame You for not helping. Maybe something bad came their way and they blame You for that. Please touch them ever so gently so that they would realize it is not Your fault and that they will want and need to heal the relationship with You!!! 4. I want to pray for every person that got a divorce in South Africa. Divorces cause unforgiveness and hatred towards the other partner. Children hate or do not forgive the parent that defaulted, and sometimes the one that took a step to get the divorce. And … if they cannot forgive, You cannot forgive them. I pray that al divorcees would bow their knees before You today, that they will confess all the hatred and unforgiveness (maybe it is only in their subconscious) they have inside them and that You will wash them with Your blood. They cannot repair the broken relationship my King, but they can choose to forgive and to set free! 5. I want to pray for broken relationships between all races in South Africa. Bad things has happened from all races towards all races, but… that does not mean that every person of that races is bad! Open our eyes Lord so that we will forgive each other and You can forgive us. We pray for our country, but we hate other races. This cannot happen Lord. Please move from person to person in South Africa Holy Spirit and touch us so that we will confess our hatred and unforgiveness towards any race, that we will all be washed by the blood of Jesus, and that we will start to love one another in this country with Your love!!! 6. I want to pray for couples whose marriage is on the rocks right now! I pray that You will touch them, that You will teach them how to love each other again and that You will repair these marriages. And if is just too late and the marriage is on the verge of a divorce? Help them to forgive each other, to set each other free and to take You as their Bride or Bridegroom!! 7. I pray for broken relationships between employers and employees. Wherever there is unforgiveness for being treated unfairly or for people stealing from employers, bring healing. Maybe these relationships cannot be repaired once more, but please help them to forgive one another, to set one another free! 8. I cry before you for broken relationships between parents and their children. Only You know the circumstances my King, but broken relationships between parent and child, or child and parent is very, very painful. Please help each one to forgive the other one, to be the smallest and go and repair the broken relationship! 9. I pray for spouses living in alcohol and drug abuse houses. The emotional pain of living together with a person that is filled with the alcohol and drug devil is severe Lord! And this can cause the other spouse and children to divorce emotionally from their partner! Hatred and unforgiveness then fill the partner and children’s hearts. Please help them to forgive and to set free Lord. 10. I pray for siblings (broers en susters) and step sibling rivalry! Oh Lord, please heal these relationships! Help them to understand that You died for all of them and that, in Your eyes, every person in South Africa that gave his/her heart to You is Your child. So… in You, we are all brothers and sisters. Let them forgive each other and rather learn how to pray together. 11. I pray for every other broken relationship in South Africa Lord. Please help us all to forgive one another, to set one another free and to heal broken relationships! But… we are so weak Lord. Please work gently with each one of us, helping us to repair relationships, to be healed inside and to love one another with the love of Jesus!!!! 12. Your Word says that we should not curse but rather bless. Help each one of us in South Africa to forgive one another, no matter what happened in the past! Let us forgive and forget, set free and start to bless and anoint each other!! (HOW TO ANNOINT SOMEONE: 13. I confess that there is people that I have never forgiven – known to me or maybe even only in my subconscious mind. I forgive them in the Name of Jesus and set them free. I bless every person that has EVER done something wrong against me in the Name of Jesus!! 14. Thank You Lord that You are now healing broken relationships, that You are convincing people to heal broken relationships and that You are healing South Africa!!! (Faith in action) 15. Please pull a blanket of protection over every person in South Africa in the Name of Jesus!! 16. I plead with You in labor that You will start to sweep over every person in South Africa. Holy Spirit, come down from heaven and give us Your Pentecostal revival!! I ask this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and just want to say that I love You very much!! Amen BE BLESSED IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Here is a few links that may be helpful to you: What is worship? How can I give my heart to God? How do I confess my sins? PS. Please go to the top of this article and add your e mail address to receive more articles. You can opt out at any time!! In 2018 I am going to start articles about emotional help, how to work through your trauma, etc!

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