Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
I have now crossed the Red sea, walking away from Egypt and all that I had there.
Running away from everything I’ve known AND is on a new, unknown road
right back to You. It is very, very
scary, but on the one hand also exciting. I do not know what this road is
going to hold for me, but I am looking forward to the promised land You are going
to give to me.
life + new path to God
I Lord, I now consecrate and dedicate this new life to You.
I I do not know where this road is going to lead me
I I do not know what I will have to lose on this way back to the
promised land
I I don’t know the good fortunes or bad things that would want to
bring me down on this road
I But I do know that I want to walk this road with You my Father,
Jesus, and Holy Spirit
I If I ever need a Companion on which I had to rely, it is You
I I know I cannot trust anyone else but You
I So now I want to bring this new road before You
I Only You know what You can use me for at this late age of my life
I Only You know why You have shaken my whole world and brought me out
of Egypt
I Only You know where I am going from here, and what You have in store
for me at all times
I And I trust You completely Lord
I This is sort of a blind road we are taking, but I would like to see
where You lead me from here.
I I look forward to the journey, but I also must confess that I am a
little bit scared
I Flying blind was never an option for me, but now I am flying blind
with only You as the Leader
I But… at least You know where I am going and what I have to go
I And I now give over to You – with my whole heart.
I I now choose to fly blind with You and not be in control of my life
I Carry me and hold me very, very, very close to Your heart my Father,
Jesus, Holy Spirit.
I Guide my every step I take
I Do not let me walk one cm off the road You have picked for me
I Help me to lean on You for this journey so that it won’t be too
I Please protect me from the enemy Lion of Judah
I Take control of my mind, body, soul, spirit and being completely my
I Let me listen to Your voice on this journey
I Let me hold on to Your hand
I Let me follow the guiding cloud by day and the column of fire at
I Speak to me in a clear voice my King so that I will only hear
Your voice and not ones that want to lead me astray
I Let me be fixed on You and the road You are leading me on.
My broken
L There were so many dreams I had when I became Your child, but
they have all been broken Lord.
L Some by others, some by myself
L I have forgotten how to believe in myself, not because I am someone,
but because I am someone in You
L I wanted to sing and bring glory to Your Name, but it never took off
after I was married
L I wanted to work full time for You, but that panned out quickly
L I wanted to be:
The best child of God possible
A listening child of God
A doer in Your kingdom
A Good Samaritan
A child close to Your heart,
like David was
L I wanted to:
Bring You all the glory
Let people see Jesus in me, but
now I have become a bitter, cynic old woman that just wants to fight
Bring joy to people
Tell people about You
Sing to You
Write to You and be used by You
Follow Your lead and do
whatever You want me to do
Enjoy my life to the fullest
and do whatever You ask of me.
Be the best child my parents
could ever hope for
Be The best sister in the world
Give to others and not receive
Do good deeds for people
Sing in Your church and spread
Your Word that way
L I wanted to be:
The best wife ever
The best cook
The best mother and grandmother
ever in the world
The best businesswoman ever
A good writer
The best singer and songwriter
Your child, so committed to You
that I will not skip one day without being in Your Presence and learning from
Available for You to use me
just the way You want to use me
L But instead I have landed up to be of no good to You and not
spreading Your Word, not singing, writing, and doing everything.
L And on top of that I am now 60 years old, much too old to do the
things I could have done when I was younger.
L I have spilled so many years on NOTHING
L I have spilled so many years that You could have used me
L I have spent so many years of hurting people, treating them like
L Is this all I have become?
L I have wasted my whole life, all my talents on nothing my King.
L I am so sorry!
L I wish I could turn back the clock and be 20 once more so that I
could spend time with You to do the things that I really wanted to do for
L Now I do not believe in myself anymore, let alone the time I can
spend with You.
I That this Damascus and Egypt to Canaan road would bring me closer to
I That I will be able, and willing, to do more for You
I That You will lead me on the better way so that I can give my
everything to You
I That You will use my skills, my knowledge to reach others, to touch
their lives in such ways that they cannot do anything else but turn back to You
I To write songs
I To sing songs
I To write articles or pieces that would touch people’s hearts
I To write articles that is very short but so powerful that they will
touch people and turn them around to You
I That I can write articles or have courses to help especially women
to continue down the road they are traveling on to reach the road where You are
taking their hands and leading them further
I To help heal broken people, and their hurts in Your Name
I To pray again in the Spirit
like I did when I was younger
I To obey You and follow Your lead every day of my life
I That You become my best and only Friend here on earth, leading me to
where You want me to go
I That I will have the energy, power, and strength to continue walking
Your road and teaching others of this new road
I That I will have the freedom and the knowledge to lead others in the
healing process and give them hope for the future.
I That I will hold on to You on this road to the promised land –
through thick and through thin
I That You will touch my heart, soul, body, mind, being with You so
that I can be healed, so that I can move on and have enough energy to do what
You want me to do in these lasts days of my life.
My hopes
I That You will be able to use my talents to Your advantage
I That You will heal my brain and give me inspiration to believe that
I am still 18 and can do things for Your Kingdom
I That You will use my talents every day to reach people,
I That You will use my talents even when I am gone from this earth
I That You will strengthen me to do the tasks You want me to do
I That I will not be lazy, but that I will rejoice in the tasks You
gave me, because You help me to finish them
I That You will provide the means to do Your work here on earth
I That You will give me supernatural talents to do tasks and to
finish them with joy and peace in my heart
I That You will help me to forget about Egypt, and focus on the
promised land – where You are
I That You will fill my heart, mind, soul, body, being with You so
that I can just spread that around
I That You will take away my stress, my need to “rule” people, and
that I will become a loving person, just spreading Your smell here on earth
I That I will become less of me and more of You at all times
I That I will tap into what You are saying to me, and that I will
conquer every task You give me, not because I am great, but because You help me
to do them
I That I will stay in the house of the Lord forever and just serve You
with everything I have in me
I That I will never fall in love with another man in my life, but just
serve You with my whole heart, soul, being, everything that is within me
I That You will lead me to do whatever You have prepared me to do in
South Africa, and now the world
I That You will give me talents, as I go on, to do the things that I
have to do
I That You will strengthen me and give me the guts to do all the tasks for
I That You will give me favor from my children so that they can set me
free to just do what You want me to do – without interfering or telling me not
to do the things that You lay on my heart
I That You will give me clear and undeniable leading of the Holy
Spirit to discern what is from You and what the enemy is trying to lure me away
I That You will protect me from the enemy and use me to do Your will
here on earth.
give to You:
I My whole life, my body, soul, spirit, being to use to Your advantage
I All the talents I have in me, and also those that You will install
within me when I need them
I My time Lord – all the time I have left on earth
I My time Lord to use only to Your advantage
I My mouth, my tongue, my thoughts so that You can form them and use
them to Your advantage
I My thought patterns, my brain, the way that I was thinking
wrongly. Turn that around Lord and
change me to be the person You wants me to be at all times
I Every hurt that I have not spoken about, every pain, my whole body
as a sacrifice to You
I Any unwillingness I might have in me not to work for You. Change that around so that I will be
passionate about You and serve You with my whole heart
I Every broken dream, wish, mind, soul, body, being. Heal it in the Name, cross and power of the
Holy Spirit and renew it to serve only You with that
I The time I am watching on You tube.
Use that to Your advantage to teach me things that You want me to do,
and please make my brain susceptible to Your input please.
I Every centimeter of my body, soul, mind, body, being, everything
that I am to use as You are pleased Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
I My bones, my aches and pains, that You will heal them in Your time
and strengthen them so that I can still be of use to You in this world
I Every belonging that I got from You, all the money I receive,
everything that I am. Just use me Lord
so that I can at least tell people about You, pray for them right where they
are and set Your miracles free in people’s lives, without them even knowing
that I was somehow involved.
I Please help me never to boast about anything but let me realize that
You are doing the work and I am only an instrument in Your hands.
I Please do not let anything happen to make me think I am better that
You Lord.
I Hold me humble in You at all times.
I This road that I am traveling on.
Please be the Master of this road and lead me exactly where You want me
to be to use me at that time
I Let me listen to and tap into Your heart and mind at all times, to
hear Your voice, to discern Your voice and to just rest in You and do Your will
here on earth
I Please help me to be bold for You, to deliver just want You want me
to say and to know when to leave
I Thank You that You still care about me, and that You are going to
lead me on paths that I have never tread on before.
I Please keep me honest at all times Lord and keep me busy – with Your
Word and Your things please – the things You really want me to do
I Here I am Lord, just a wanderer on a new road.
I Lead me in the right direction
I Lead me to waters where there is rest
I Take my hand in Your hand and walk before me, opening all the ways
that You want to open up
I Take my hand, my mouth, my brain and my whole being and use it to
Your advantage, for Your sake please.
I I do not know which road You are taking me on. I trust You completely to lead the way
Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
I I trust You to show me where I must be and to protect me with Your
right hand
I Thank You that You care so much that You are opening up something
new for me, a new road that I have never travelled on.
I I thank, praise and worship You at all times.
I I give over to You Lord in completeness!
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