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Monday, May 27, 2024


Dearest Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit

What a wonderful privilege to come into Your Presence today and give You all the glory.  You are Omnipotent and I love You very, very, very much.

1.    I first want to pray for the special votes cast today.

2.    Please help every person to vote according to Your will Lord.

3.    Please let there be peace, and everything goes according to Your plan.

4.    We give You the Ownership of the elections and know You will be present today, tomorrow, and Wednesday.

5.    I want to pray for revival in South Africa Lord.

6.    Please awake in every person in South Africa Your slumbering revival.

7.    Please awake in each of us a longing to pray and to talk to You.

8.    Oh Lord, I ask in the Name of Jesus, that You will shake us and wake us up in this late hour.

9.    Give us a burning desire to know You and pray as much as we can.

10.  This is the time to touch people, Lord, because Your children have woken up to pray for this election.

11.  Yesterday there was a pavilion in Klerksdorp, filled with Your children, not races, but Your children.

12.  And all we seek was Your Presence, Your downpouring!

13.  I want to confess any unconfessed sin, anything that stands between me and You.

14.  Please break every doubtful habit I might have that is standing between me and You Lord.

15.  Help me to obey You Holy Spirit and to be able to hear Your voice.

16.  Keep my spirit in line with Your Spirit so that I will become quiet to listen to Your voice daily.

17.  Help me not to be shy to confess Christ publicly, but to pray for people wherever we are.

18.  Oh Holy Spirit, pour Your Spirit out on South Africa.

19.  Give us a hunger for Your Word and prayer.

20.  Give us a hunger to want to be in Your Presence.

21.  We seek an intimate relationship with You Lord.

22.  We seek Your face in everything we do.

23.  Help us watch less movies and spend more time with You.

24.  Prompt all of us to stand up earlier, seek You in honesty, and spend time with You.

25.  Awake Your Holy Spirit in all of us in South Africa.

26.  Breathe on us Holy Spirit, so we will be filled with You.

27.  Oh Lord, South Africa hunger for Your revival.

28.  We hunger for people to fall down on their knees and confess their sins, without anyone present.

29.  We hunger for Your Presence to flow over all of us in South Africa, leading us in the direction You want us to go.

30.  We hunger for a touch from Your hand in South Africa.

31.  We hunger for You to fill us to the brim with Your Spirit.

32.  Please release a revival in South Africa Lord, and let the honor go to You!

33.  We love You and need You Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!

I ask all this in the mighty Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior!


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