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Sunday, May 26, 2024



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for being my Bridegroom, the One who is always there for me.  I love You very much and just want to sit at Your feet this morning and learn from You.

1.    Today I want to pray for South Africa’s problems and solutions.

2.    Oh Lord, You know all our problems, from load shedding, violence, and corruption, to a country falling apart.

3.    Please have mercy on us Lord and give us a solution for our problems.

4.    Help us to choose wisely in the elections Lord, so that we can have leaders that serve You and lead us with Your wisdom.

5.    I give every problem in South Africa over to You.

6.    Only You can give us solutions.

7.    I pray that You will change every person in South Africa into a Nehemiah.

8.    He was a layman but had a passion for fixing the walls of Jerusalem - like we would love South Africa to be fixed.

9.    Like Nehemiah we want to come before You and plead for a solution for South Africa.

10.  The original walls of Jerusalem took 4 years to build, but under the plan You gave Nehemiah, these walls were rebuilt within 52 days!

11.              And Your plan to Nehemiah, and South Africa is this:  each person and family must just build in front of their own homes!

12.  Such a simple plan Lord but with such an impact on everyone!!

13.  I plead with You Lord, that You will pick every South African up to start to clean and rebuild right in front of their homes and businesses!

14.  Give us a passion not to wait on anyone else, but to fill potholes with soil to stop damage to others' vehicles.

15.  Give us a passion for cleaning right where we are, and then help our neighbor to clean in front of his home or business.

16.  Like Nehemiah and his people, we will face attacks from the enemy, but You will help us overcome every obstacle!

17.  Lord teach us that one individual, with God at his/her side, can impact a nation, and that one individual is me - praying to You right now!

18.  Help me to start right where I am – even if it just means picking up papers and throwing them away.

19.  Show us Lord that we have to start with small tasks, getting everyone involved and teaching everyone to work together to make South Africa the great country it is.

20.  If we start to rebuild, as Nehemiah did, people will be encouraged, renewed, and excited about the future here in South Africa.

21.  And like Nehemiah Lord, help us to never claim the glory for ourselves, but to always give You the glory for what we achieve.

22.  You placed me right here where You need me - for a purpose.

23.  I was born for a time like this!

24.  Use me Lord to help build South Africa up again, with Your help.

25.  And give me Your attitude towards work: “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” (Colossians 3:17).

I ask this in the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus, our Lord, and Savior!

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