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Sunday, May 5, 2024


Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You that You give us a brand new start every day! You are the most wonderful God and I praise Your Holy Name!

 Matt 7:7 + 8 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

1. This morning I want to pray positive decrees over South Africa.
2. I pray these decrees/declarations in the Name of Jesus Christ. Your will be done at all times.
3. I decree that South Africa is crime-free.
4. I decree that every person in South Africa is a committed child of God.
5. I decree that there is no race in South Africa, just God’s children.
6. I decree that You, my God, place the right people in the parliament – people who serve You!
7. I decree that South Africa’s economy is stable and growing stronger daily.
8. I decree that every person in South Africa forget about the past, and work together to build South Africa – like Nehemiah did!
9. I declare that all drug sellers have left the country.  They cannot return because Your Spirit prevents them.
10. I declare that the Spirit of God is set loose in South Africa.  It touches people’s hearts and minds and converts them to Christ’s followers.
11. I declare that God’s angels are watching over every child in South Africa and no one can touch them!
12. I declare that children are children once again.  They know the freedom of walking and playing around without fear of anything happening to them.
13. I declare that every person in South Africa is fulfilling their social need to visit and talk to people.
14. I declare that South Africa is communist-free.
15. I declare that the only God served in South Africa is the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
16. I declare that South Africa is hit by a revival that draws people from overseas to come and enjoy the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
17. I declare that every neighborhood in South Africa is free of crime, drug and alcohol-free.
18. I declare that people find their security in You.
19. I decree that all people in South Africa found their purpose in the body of Christ

20. I decree that South Africa is the head, not the tail.
21. I decree that all criminals, drug dealers, killers, and people with bad intent have left the country.  The Lion of Judah chased them away.
22. I decree that all South Africans have only the Word of God in their hearts, minds, souls, and spirits.
23. I decree that God is served in South Africa like never before.  People are filled with the Holy Spirit daily.
24. I decree that miracles happen in South Africa daily.
25. I decree that my town Klerksdorp, (please put your town’s name here) is controlled by the Holy Spirit and that no one can break His power.
26. I decree that the Creator of heaven, earth, and the cosmos has mercy over South Africa.  He is the Owner of South Africa.
27. I decree that all hearts, minds, souls, and spirits in South Africa are open and receptive to Your Indwelling Holy Spirit.
28. I decree that every child of God stands up with courage and boldness. We all declare and decree Your Word over South Africa and its people.
29. I decree that every child of God in South Africa is fulfilling their destiny in the body of Christ here on earth – no matter where they are.
30. I decree that the blinkers (oogklappe) have fallen from those who were deceived for a long time, those who stir others to be as bad as they are.
31. I decree that You control the parliament, every minister, the president, and every person working for the government.
32. I decree that every person in South Africa work as if they are working for You.
33. I decree that every child, young man, or woman serves You – in schools, colleges, and universities.
34. I decree that people in South Africa form prayer groups and adhere to them every week.
35. I decree that all South Africans are sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to His voice and teaching!
36. I declare that the Holy Spirit moves over South Africa and touches every heart as far as He goes.
37. I declare all South Africans are ready and eager to serve God in all His fullness.
38. I declare that I love South Africa with my whole heart. I will never speak a negative word about South Africa again.
39. I declare that I will do my utmost best to work with God in South Africa.  I will always listen to Him and only do His will here in this beautiful country.

I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood, and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much Elohim!


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