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Monday, May 6, 2024



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for a great morning and Your Presence! Thank You that You are a forgiving God and You have mercy on us all. I love You with my whole heart my Master.

1.    This morning I want to pray for unforgiveness.

2.    Unforgiveness causes stress, depression, and bitterness, gives satan an open door, hinders fellowship with God, and imprisons me in the past.

3.    But the worst is yet to come my Bridegroom.

4.    In Matthew 6:15 Jesus says: “But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

5.    Oh Lord, this means that You cannot forgive my sins, and I am doomed for an eternity without You.

6.    I fall on my knees this morning and beg You:  help me to forgive others, please!

7.    If there is anyone that I have not forgiven, please bring it to the light so that I can forgive them.

8.    Holy Spirit move through my whole body, mind, soul, and inner being and bring out anything that I have not forgiven.

9.    I do not want the Father not to forgive me!

10.  I forgive every person who has done something wrong to me, known or unknown, in the Name of Jesus.

11.  I set them free in the Name of Jesus and forgive them their trespasses.

12.  I pray for those people that I might have harmed through my words, deeds, and things I did wrong.

13.  Please help them to forgive me, Lord, so that they can be freed from the imprisonment of the past.

14.  I forgive my parents and grandparents, in the Name of Jesus, for everything they did wrong, or I thought they did wrong, in bringing me up.

15.  I forgive my uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, friends, children at school, teachers, co-workers, ex-boyfriends/ girlfriends, husband/wife, and people along the way who caused me harm.

16.  I forgive them in the Name of Jesus and set them free.

17.  Nothing they said or done can be so bad that I want to miss eternity without You.

18.  I forgive myself Lord for holding so many grudges against myself and set myself free in the Name of Jesus.

19.  I confess that I might have said bad things about You when I went through bad times.

20.  Please forgive me for that Lord and set me free!

21.  If there is any unforgiveness hidden in my inner being, please bring it out, so that I can confess it and forgive people.

22.  Please forgive me Lord for being so stubborn not to forgive people.

23.  I place everything under the blood of Jesus, never to think of it again!

24.  Oh Lord, thank You that You are a merciful God, always forgiving me of my trespasses.

25.  Colossians 3:13 “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”

26.  Thank You for helping me to make a choice to forgive, to turn negative into positive.

27.  I pray for all those people that I have forgiven right now.

28.  Draw them, and me, nearer to You Lord, so that we will serve You in truth and be quick to forgive.

29.  Thank You that You have washed me with the blood of Jesus and cleansed me!

30.  Help me to never hold anything against anyone in my life again!

31.  Thank You that You forgive so easily my King and that You remove our sins from us as far as the East is from the West!

32.  What a wonderful and merciful God You are! I love You soooooo much!

 I ask all things in the Name, blood, light, and cross of Jesus. 


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