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Saturday, May 4, 2024



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for being the only living God in the universe. Thank You for always watching over me. I love You very, very, very much, and I never want to live without You.

1.    This morning I want to pray for child abuse.

2.    Oh Lord, this is becoming worse and worse.

3.    South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world, with 66 196 per 100 000 people being raped. (2020 statistics) And that is only the cases that have been reported to the police.

4.    I want to bring every child in South Africa before You.

5.    Oh my Daddy, please protect our vulnerable young children from these horrendous deeds.

6.    Please send Your angels to watch over every child in South Africa.

7.    Lord, fight off the people doing these things to children!

8.    Please do not let the devil steal our (Your) children’s youth and joy!

9.    And heal those that have been raped.

10.  Please let every abused child know that You love them.

11.  And let them know that they are worthy my King!

12.  Children are beaten severely, and mentally abused by parents, teachers, and even other scholars.

13.  Bullying in schools is becoming more severe Lord.

14.  And children’s inner beings are being destroyed, right as we pray.  😭

15.  I beg of You to send Your host of angels to protect every child in South Africa!

16.  Deal with the perpetrators my King that everything will come to light.

17.  Give all the children of South Africa the guts to speak out against these evil deeds, so that perpetrators can be prosecuted.

18.  Please let our law system change to protect our children and grandchildren.

19.  Help all of us in South Africa to protect each other’s children!

20.  Matthew 19:14 (NIV) Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

21.  And look at how we treat Your little children here in South Africa! 

22.  I beg in labor Lord, that You will not be a Gentleman and keep out of our affairs.

23.  Where children are involved, please bring everything to the light and do not deal lightly with the perpetrators.

24.  Oh Lord, have mercy on every child in South Africa!!

25.  I pick every child in South Africa up in my arms and walk into Your throne room.

26.  I place every one of these children on Your lap. Please take care of them, Lord!!!

27.  And heal all the wounds inside them with Your love, that surpasses all understanding.

28.  And if anyone, praying this prayer, has ever been abused as a child, bring Your healing in their mind, heart, soul, and inner being right now! 

29.  Let them know that people did this to them,  not You Lord.

30.  Let them know that they are save with You, and You love them with a love that we, as human beings cannot even begin to understand!

31.  Place all their memories and hurt under the blood of Jesus, so that they can be free from the pain inside them.

32.  Oh Lord, please take every child in South Africa in Your arms and protect them with everything in You!

33.  Bless every child in South Africa and touch their hearts so that they will serve You!

I ask everything in the almighty Name, blood, light, and cross of Jesus! Amen

Need help or want to help someone?

TEARS Foundation provides access to crisis intervention, advocacy, counselling, and prevention education services for those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault and child sexual abuse. Confidential services are provided to all victims at no charge!

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