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Monday, May 20, 2024


Dearest Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit

Thank You for a wonderful night filled with peace and tranquility.  Thank You that You are Lord and always love me – no matter what! I adore You and I never want to live without You. Fill me with You at all times!

1.       Today I pray for corruption in South Africa.

2.       Corruption is at an all-time high my King, and it is like a snake spewing on every person in South Africa and infecting us all with the same bad spirit.

3.       Proverbs (Spreuke) 6: 16 – 19 says: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable (verfoelik) to Him: haughty (hoogmoedige/trotse) eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

4.       This is South Africa now Lord,  a country that You detest!

5.       I pray for Your mercy over South Africa Lord.

6.       Please bring every bit of corruption to the light so that You can deal with the perpetrators.

7.       Father, in the Name of Jesus, break this spirit of corruption!

8.       Start from the government Lord and expose and break corruption.

9.       Move over South Africa and release people from this spirit that has taken over their lives.

10.   Show them, Lord, with might, how You hate corruption and deal with them in Your own way Lord.

11.   Break the chains of corruption that have come through ages of wrong teaching.

12.   Break the chains of corruption that kills, destroys, and is false and evil.

13.   Break every chain that has tied people to corruption and let the peels on their eyes fall off

14.   Start with me Lord, please.

15.   If there is any corruption in me, or the desire or temptation to do corruption, cut it out from my whole being.

16.   Help me to choose the narrow, straight, and honest path always leading to You.

17.   Oh Lord, flow over South Africa and convince people of their sin in doing corruption.

18.   Let them know they are going against Your inner core, and stop corruption.

19.   I pray wholeheartedly that You will stop corruption in our government, police, and municipalities.

20.   Give us a government, police force, and municipalities that serve You and only want to do Your will.

21.   Please cleanse all of us in South Africa from corruption and help us not to listen to the devil, convincing us to steal, kill, and destroy.

22.   Rather fill us with Your love, hope, tranquility, Your honesty, and wanting to help others.

23.   Give us a government that spends money wisely and uses money for every citizen in South Africa.

24.   Turn South Africa around Lord, so that we will be a country listening to You and abiding by Your laws because Your laws are the best!

25.   For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3

26.   Thank You for sending a host of angels to deal with corruption in South Africa.

I ask everything in the wonderful and mighty Name of Jesus!


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