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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

11 DAY ROUTE FROM EGYPT TO CANAAN Day 6 Manna, quails, water



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for a great morning and that You watched over me through the night. I love You very, very, very much and I never want to live without You.  Please help me on my sixth day of the Egypt to Canaan trek please.  Lead me and teach me, Lord.

Well, I have been murmuring to You about the conditions I was in, and then You send to me:  manna, quails, water.


I  I have a safe place to stay with my son

I  I have a meal each night

I  I can provide for myself for my other meals

I  I have enough to provide for all my needs

I  I have a great car that can take me places where I want to be

I  I can keep my two dogs, a miracle in itself

I  I have a job

I  I have people around me – if I want to spend time with them

I  I can walk in this suburb without being mugged

I  I have my own little flat, which is giving me some privacy

I  I can still do all the things I love and be happy on my own to

I  I can work in the garden if I want to

I  I have my own plants now and they are starting to grow nicely

I  I have planted seeds and they are just sprouting out.

I  I have done a little bit of grass planting, just enough to keep me busy

I  I am strangely calm about everything, as if I never had a life before this

I  I accept things too quickly and easily. 

I  I know God is carrying me every day of my life.  He is picking me up when things go wrong and is teaching me new ways to do things

I  I have learned a lot at work and have basic bookkeeping and Excel under control now (first time learning it at age 60!)

I  I have the freedom to come and go when I want to and where I want to

I  I am not called a thousand times when I am gone.

I  I do not have to walk on eggs every day, watching my every word and deed.


I  Blessings galore

I  Freedom

I  Breathing

I  Freedom again!

I  Safety

I  Nature around me

I  Beautiful bird songs every morning

I  Flowers that bring me joy

I  Rain and the promise of rain

I  Peace and tranquility

I  Providing food for me in such a lovely way

I  Two lovely dogs that are in my life!

I  My grandchildren that comes to greet me in the mornings and keep me on my toes

I  Every little thing you have provided for me

I  The money I have to buy myself things

I  Just carrying me when I feel weak

I  Showing me this way from Egypt to Canaan

I  Helping me through the Red Sea and closing the Red Sea behind me

I  Taking me out of circumstances that was not ok

I  Saving me at the right time and bringing me to safety

I  Every mercy that You bestowed on me

I  Every small thing that is making my life worth while

I  Peace, peace, peace

I  My own flat where I can do whatever I am pleased

I  Providing for me here in the desert

I  Providing for my soul every day

I  Feeding me, not only with food, but with every word from Your mouth

I  Leading me on this path and for never leaving me alone

I  Stretching my food and keeping me sane

I  Waking me up every morning with a sense of happiness and looking forward to the day

I  This week I started working in the afternoons only.  It gave me exceptional time with You and working through my journey from Egypt to Canaan.

I  Customers at work that is so great and that I can talk to

I  Friends I have made along the way

I  People’s lives I have been touching, hopefully for the better

I  Every small miracle that has happened in my life

I  Carrying me through this time and giving me so much peace

I  For the vision I had last year:  Your hand was stretched out from heaven and I was holding on to it.  Underneath me, Johan was hanging with the alcohol devil clinging to his hand.  And I did not know what this meant, until the next morning when You just asked me:  Whose hand are you going to let go off?  I choose You, Lord, because I cannot live one second without You!!!  This helped me to make this decision to let go after 39 years of marriage!!  I would not have been able to do it without You!!

I  Opening my eyes to the danger of living with a person that has blackouts from alcohol


I  Miracle

I  Blessing

I  Kindness You have shown towards me

I  Small thing You taught me through this time

I  Small deed You helped me to perform in this time and how it picked me up!

I  Time You were just there for me, without doing much, without saying much, but just being there

I  Time I knew Your hand was next to me.  I could just reach out and touch it.

I  Small miracle that happened with me throughout my journey from Egypt to Canaan, every rock You took out of my way.

I  Time You cleared the road for me, and helped me to move on with my live.

I  Time You just understood and just held me so very close to Your heart

I  Minute You were there, touching me, healing me, carrying me

I  Blessing You bestowed on me – blessings that I sometimes don’t even know about

I  Time You changed my heart and gave me the knowledge to make decisions based on Your word

I  Time I stepped up, said no more and just blocked Johan on my phone to avoid further emotional abuse

I  Small favor You did for me

I  Person You send along my way to talk to me, to give me hope, to motivate me.  You are such a wonderful God!

I  Time You are there in my desert, showing me the good things in this desert and not the bad things

I  Time You changed my perspective on things

I  Sunrise and sunset You shared with me in this time, giving me something beautiful to hold in my heart



I was in the desert Lord and there was no water to drink.  So I complained about it, and You provided with a miracle above all miracles.  You sent me water from a rock in the desert!  What an amazing God You are!!!! So here are some of the miracles You performed in my life.

Providing me with …

I  money to buy the things I needed

I  Specials where I could buy things for half the price

I  A car that kept going and going

I  Money to service my car

I  A save place to stay and food to eat

I  Open eyes to differentiate between good and evil and say no to evil and evil-doers

I  Peace all the way

I  Calmness that is so great

I  Dogs that begged me to go for a walk, thus giving me exercise and opening my brain

I  People that cuddled me in their bosom, but also gave me the time to sort myself out

I  Friends that listened to me

I  Friends that distracted me when I needed it very much

I  Love wherever I needed it

I  Fun along the way

I  So much love from You that I can hardly even take it in

I  Guitar lessons to cheer me up and give me hope that someday I will sing again.


I  Being able to work and concentrate on work through the hardest time of my life.

I  Calmness to go about everyday tasks without hesitating

I  Decision making skills that I had to learn

I  Saying no to someone that has abused me emotionally for such a long time

I  Crying out in the wilderness, and You heard my cry and came to my rescue

I  You carrying me every day of my live.

I  To be able to go on with my live, though everything else is falling apart next to me

I  For not crumbling under the pressure but to say no to any further abuse, and probably more danger that awaited me in the future.

I  Living a normal day to day life in harsh circumstances

I  Going to my grandchild’s concert on my own

I  Getting permission to sit in the Spur, eat and coloring my own pictures.  Wow!! That was so great!!  And then You showed me someone that I should give that picture to, someone that I believe needed those words on that paper: The joy of the Lord is my Strength!!!! And she put it away in her handbag before her husband came back!!!  She did not leave it behind!!!  Wow!  That was a great one!!!

I  Being able to live through every day and still be happy and at peace!

I  Being able to smile and to go on with my live even though I am in the desert and my circumstances is not that good

I  Looking at nature and seeing Your splendor in it

I  holding on to Your hand when there was no other hand to hold on to

I  You being there for me each morning and giving me hope through it all.  You made my stay in the desert a pleasant one, because You showed me things that I never thought was possible.

I  Raymond Smith, my nephew, making contact with me after all these years, and the happiness I felt in my heart.  I nearly booked a ticket to East London the next day my King.  That would have been so great to go there!!!  But… at the right time You will lead me to a place where I will be happy and will enjoy every minute – I think a place where animals are.  I love animals and they bring me such joy and happiness.  But You know where I have to go

Thank You for…

I  Every miracle

I  Every small thing that made me so extremely happy

I  A hair cut that made me feel so good

I  People along the way that made this road more tolerable

I  My dogs that kept me sane and gave me so much love during this time

I  Every little flower on my way that cheered me up

I  Showing me Your nature in all its splendor every time I came from work and watched the sun go down!  Wow, that was soooo good my King!!!!

I  Just being there for me and never letting go of my hand.  I would never have been able to walk this journey alone Lord, but You were there one step at a time.

I  Just being the loving God You are

I  Just holding me so very close to Your heart when I was giving over and letting go.

I  Leading me on this journey from Egypt to Canaan and for closing the Red Sea behind me so that I can never go back again.  Now it is only forward at all times!!!!

I  Everything You have done for me and will still be doing in the future.  I love You with all my heart and I never want to live one day without You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit.

I place my hands in Yours.  You are now my Bridegroom, the only One I will belong to for the rest of my live.  Take me Lord and use me to Your advantage!!!  I give over to You.  Lead me through this desert and teach me every lesson You want to teach me.  Open my heart, soul, mind and being to be able to listen only to Your voice and follow Your lead.  I thank You for that and I praise You that You will clear the road for me – the road You want me to take.  Thank You that You have already equipped me to go on that road, and that I will reach people for You.  I thank You Lord and I praise You for Your kindness and goodness.  You are an amazing God and I cannot wait to walk the road with You today, tomorrow and every other day.

I love You very much and today I commit my live to You again. You are my Life, my Anchor, my Star in the night, my Lily of the valley … and the mountains.  You are the Lion of Judah, fighting this fight for me, and leading me to still waters, where I can rest my head and just stay in You!!!


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