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Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for a day filled with You.  Thank You that You walk before me to show the way.  You are the best Father, Friend, and Comforter anyone could ask for. I love You very much and want to stay at Your feet this morning!

1.       Today I want to pray for You to stop child trafficking.

2.       Oh Lord, my heart goes out to these little children who disappeared.

3.       I pray that You will intervene in South Africa.

4.       Matthew 18:10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

5.       Lord, our Lord, please send Your angels to protect each of our little children in South Africa.

6.       Send Your angels to enclose every child in South Africa with their wings.

7.       We pray in labor that You will shine Your face upon every child, grandchild, and generations to come so that You will protect them.

8.       Oh Lord, show Your mercy and grace to our little children, and don’t let them be abducted by anyone.

9.      Place in all of us here in South Africa a heart for Your little children,  to protect all children with everything in us.

10. Don't stay out of our business Lord, but step in to protect our children.

11.   We pick every child in South Africa up in our arms, walk into Your throne room, and put them all on Your lap.

12.   We give You the ownership of all children in South Africa.

13.   Protect them with Your right hand King of all kings!

14.   Please send Your army of angels to guard over every child in South Africa.

15.   Lord, please deal with the perpetrators!

16.   Come unto them with all Your force and chase them away from South Africa.

17.   Turn Your wrath on them, Lord, for hurting and stealing Your little children.

18.   Don’t let them get away with this Lord but punish them according to Your will.

19.   Please just remove them from South Africa!

20.   Luke 18:16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

21.   Jesus, have mercy on all children in South Africa and protect them with all Your might, please!

22.   We pray that You will send us the right government, police force, and people with knowledge to put strict laws into place to protect our children – and to be able to enforce these laws with their whole hearts.

23.   Oh Lord, help every one of us in South Africa to look out for Your little children.

24.   Open our eyes to protect every child in South Africa, and not be afraid to step in to protect them.

25.   Master, in Your mercy, look upon Your little children and protect them, please.

26.   Only You can protect them at all times!

I ask everything in the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus Christ! 







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