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Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit.

You are the Lion of Judah, roaring over us all. You are the Lamb of God, watching and caring for each of us.  I love You sooo much Master and Friend. You are my first and only Love!

 1.    Today I want to pray about loving your neighbor (every person in South Africa)

2.    A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples if you love one another. John 13:34 + 35 (NIV)

3.    Oh Lord, how miserable I fail at this command.

4.    Because I get angry with people if they are slow, I am quick to anger when someone attacks me and very quick to judge.

5.    Yet you say that men will know I am Your disciple if I love others (every person in South Africa.)

6.    I confess that I do not show Your love to others Lord.

7.    Please forgive me and help me to love others as You have loved me.

8.    Your love does not only include my family, friends, and maybe colleagues that I love. It includes every single person in South Africa – even the bad ones!

9.    Please meet my shortcomings in this matter Lord!

10.  Help me to love every person I meet with Your love.

11.  Oh Lord, fill me with Your love so that it will overflow and touch every person in South Africa.

12.  Fill every one of Your children with Your love so that we will love one another as You have loved us.

13.  Let Your love overflow from Your children, touching others’ lives without speaking.

14.  You loved us so much that You gave Your life for us Jesus.

15.  Let us be willing to love others so much that we will give our lives to them.

16.  Fill our hearts with Your love in such a way, that we will see with new eyes, and only see the best in others at all times.

17.  Help us to start today and at least greet people along the way.

18.  Let us become as gentle and loving as You are.

19.  Help us be helpful, respectful, and gentle with others today because we do not know what they are going through.

20.  Let us attend to each other’s needs Lord, be attentive to sad people, and just give them a hug or a prayer.

21.  Open our eyes to see the need in others and just give them the gift of listening to them.

22.  Oh Lord, help Your children in South Africa to love every other person in South Africa as You have loved us.

23.  And if My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 

24.  If we, Your children, start to love all South Africans with Your love, how quickly South Africa will change and become the best place in the world to live!

25.  Help us to love with Your love, spread Your love, and fulfill the reason You came to earth – to love!

I ask this in the mighty and wonderful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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