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Friday, May 17, 2024



 Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

What a great morning this is, filled with Your promises and Your love. I love You very much Lord and I always want to stay in Your Presence!

 1.    Today I want to pray for broken relationships.

2.    Oh Lord, South Africa has so many broken relationships.

3.    Some were brought on by misunderstandings.

4.    And the devil laughs every way to the bank because broken relationships give us bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts.

5.    And when we cannot forgive, the Father cannot forgive us – and we are doomed to spend eternity in hell.

6.    Holy Spirit, I beg of You to move through South Africa and start to repair broken relationships!

7.    Start with me Lord, please.

8.    I bring every broken relationship, every misunderstanding, every misplaced pain in my being into Your light.

9.    Open every wound that was ever caused to me so that it will burst open and bleed out.

10.  Set me free from the past Lord, so I will only look at the future – with You by my side.

11.  I forgive and set every person free who has done something wrong to me in the Name of Jesus!

12.  I forgive myself for holding things against myself and others, and for believing the devil's lies in some cases.

13.  Grab everything that hurt me, and pull it out from my heart, mind, soul, and being.

14.  Break chains that are holding me back to become the best me I can be in Your kingdom.

15.  I now place every broken relationship under the blood of Jesus.

16.  And I decide to follow the great advice of Isaiah 43:18: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

17.  I leave every broken relationship behind me as You have set me free from it right now.

18.  I pray that You will breathe this new approach to broken relationships into South Africa's people.

19.  Let us realize we are all people, and people make mistakes and wrong choices.

20.  But help us realize that we are carrying the weight of broken relationships and emotions inside us, weighing us down!

21.  Heal every person in South Africa who has gone through a broken relationship.

22.  Place every broken relationship under the blood of Jesus and let us not think of that anymore.

23.  Jesus, You understand broken relationships.

24.  You came to the world with love and compassion, and we cursed and crucified You.

25.  Yet You paid the price for me to have eternal life!

26.  What a great God You are!

27.  Help us to be like that: to forgive broken relationships, set people free, and just love others with Your love.

28.  I now break every broken relationship’s pain in South Africa in the Name of Jesus.

29.  And I speak into every person in South Africa Your love, Your tranquility, Your forgiveness, Your awesome indwelling Holy Spirit!


I ask everything in the mighty, awesome Name of Jesus. Amen 

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