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Friday, May 24, 2024


Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

 Thank You for a morning full of You. Thank You for walking in front of me to always lead the way. I love You with my whole being and I want to sit by Your feet and learn from You.

 1.    Today I beg You to restore joy and laughter in South Africa.

2.    So many things are pulling us down Lord and I think we have forgotten to laugh like before.

3.    I beg of You to restore laughter to South Africa - the sharp humor we have that sees laughter in every possible bad situation.

4.    That carried South Africa through bad times- our laughter and a way to see the humor in every small thing.

5.    Please restore our laughter and let us laugh like children again – carefree and with our whole being involved.

6.    Laughter relieves stress, anxiety, and tension, so help us laugh as often as possible and see the funny side of life everywhere we go.

7.    I beg You to restore South Africa’s joy, my King.

8.    Joy makes us breathe faster, heal faster, and make our bodies feel warmer.

9.    Remind us Lord that joy comes from You.

10.  Psalm 100 says we must “worship the Lord with gladness: come before Him with joyful songs.”

11.  Let us once again return to serving You with joy and praise.

12.  Help every person in South Africa to turn their television sets off and just come before You with joyful songs of praise.

13.  Oh Lord, please help every person in South Africa to see only the beautiful and positive things around us.

14.  Help us to enjoy the sun coming up, a beautiful flower along the way, or just a bird singing.

15.  You gave us so many things to enjoy Lord, yet we tend to focus on the negative.

16.  Father, in the Name of Jesus, I beg of You to take control of the minds of every South African so that we can see Your splendor around us and be joyful unto You.

17.  You gave Your life for us Jesus, which must fill us with joy and laughter daily.

18.  Take the eyepatches of our eyes Lord and feast it on Your nature, Your beauty, Your splendor.

19.  Let us rejoice and be glad because You are the only living God in the universe and care about each of us here in South Africa.

20.  Let us change our music in our cars to listen to Your songs and sing Your praises with our whole being.

21.  Let us play Your music in our businesses and homes.

22.  Let us fill the air above South Africa with Your music and sing our songs of praise and worship just for You.

23.  Bring us back to the heart of worship our King and Father.

24. If one thing can reunite a nation, it is singing - so let us all sing Your praises!

25.  Let us always remember: the joy of the Lord is my strength!


I ask everything in the mighty Name of Jesus and bring my song of joy to You.  Amen


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