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Friday, May 10, 2024




Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit

Thank You for a new morning filled with Your love and Presence. You are the greatest God and I love You very, very, very much!  I cannot and do not want to live without You!

1.    Today I want to speak the fruit of the Spirit into South Africa and every person living in South Africa. (Galatians 5:22 +23)

2.    Let this prayer fill the airways in and above South Africa, so that no one can stand against this!

3.    I speak into South Africa Your love that surpasses all understanding.

4.    I speak into South Africa the joy of the Lord, that is our strength.

5.    I speak Your peace, patience and kindness into every person living in South Africa.

6.    I speak Your goodness into every South African, so that we will not think about ourselves, but first of others.

7.    I speak Your faithfulness over South Africa - not only for ourselves, but for believing that You will fight and win the battle for South Africa.

8.    I speak Your gentleness and the awaking of Your gentleness into every person living in South Africa.

9.    And I speak Your self-control over every person living in South Africa

10.  I pray the manifestation of the Spirit over every person in South Africa (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

11.  Awake in every person in South Africa Your wisdom and knowledge according to Your spirit.

12.  Fill every person in South Africa with Your faith, that cannot be broken by any circumstance.

13.  Give every South African the gifts of healing by Your Spirit, but let us only pray for people at our homes, and they will be healed by You and You will get the honor for that.

14.  Gift every person in South Africa so that we will pray for the working of miracles and that You will rain down miracles on South Africa – like You have done before.

15.  Open up our hearts, minds and spirits to prophecy, when it is needed.

16.  Give us all in South Africa the ability to distinguish between spirits, various kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues.

17.  Oh Father, in the Name of Jesus I pray that You will open up Your different gifts to all people living in South Africa. (Romans 12:7-8)

18.  Let us prophesy in accordance to our faith.

19.  Let us serve people the way You did when You were here on earth Jesus.

20.  Give us the ability to teach others in a gentle way.

21.  Unfold in us Your encouragement towards each other in South Africa.

22.  Help us to give generously without wanting something in return.

23.  Help us to lead others diligently (ywerig) with the help of Your Spirit.

24.  Let us show Your mercy, but do it cheerfully.

25.  Let us desire the higher gifts You want to give us in South Africa when it is needed.  (1 Cor 12: 28)

26.  Use us as apostles in Your church and in South Africa.

27.  Use us as prophets when it is needed Lord.

28.  Teach us to become Your teachers here in South Africa, and give us the courage to teach Your Word in wisdom and love.

29.  Let us pray and do miracles, but… the honor must always belong to You, my King.

30.  Give South Africa the gifs of healing, but rather flow over South Africa and start healing people in Your time, so that the honor will belong only to You!

31.  Help South Africans to help others along our way with Your love, patience and kindness.

32.  Place a desire in our hearts to be of service to others – always.

33.  And lastly give us various kinds of tongues when needed.

I ask everything in the mighty Name of Jesus.




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