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Friday, November 23, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for a great morning and that You are always in control of everything. Thank You for a fresh, new morning. You are so wonderful!
1. This morning I want to beg You to heal broken relationships in South Africa.
2. When a relationship is broken, it causes bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness on both sides for a long time – even forever in some cases.
3. And Your Word says that, if we do not forgive someone, You cannot forgive us. (Matt.:6:14-15)
4. I want to plead with You to move through South Africa this morning, and call people to repentance and healing of broken relationships.
5. I pray that You will start with all the people that is divorced.
6. A broken marriage causes so much hatred, not only from the parents towards each other, but also the children towards the parent or parents.
7. I pray that You will work in the hearts of divorcees so that they will repent this feelings of hate, bitterness an unforgiveness they have towards their ex.
8. I pray that they will realize that, by hating their ex, they in fact hurt them self and keep them self from going to heaven! No pain is worth not going to heaven!
9. Let them set each other free in the Name of Jesus and help them to confess it to You so that they will get rid of this load of baggage they are carrying around with them.
10. Help them to work through unforgiveness and be set free. (See how to forgive someone here: I
11. I pray for families that has broken relationships because of a fight that happened.
12. Let them realize it’s not worth it and mend the broken relationships.
13. I pray for race relationships in South Africa.
14. You know that there is a lot of people that has spread lies so that the hatred between races could become more and they could destroy peace in South Africa. They want to make South Africa ungovernable.
15. I pray that You open the eyes of every South African so that we would see that the devil is trying to destroy relationships and our peace in South Africa.
16. I confess any hatred I might have in my heart towards other races before You in the Name of Jesus – known or unknown.
17. Please take it out of my heart Lord and put in its place Your fruit of the Spirit.
18. Help me to love every person on earth with Your love – no matter what race or what color.
19. You don’t look at the color of a person’s skin, but You look at their heart. Help me to always be like Jesus!
20. Please heal broken relationships between parents and children and help them to see that they need each other.
21. Please heal relationships in marriages that is breaking up.
22. Please help every couple to realize the damage they are going to do to their children if they break up and to seek help and guidance as soon as possible.
23. Open the eyes of couples to realize that sometimes you are looking for the 20% of things your spouse does not have, but overlooking the 80% good things your spouse has.
24. Help all couples to keep the covenants they made before You, the Creator of heaven, earth and the universe.
25. Please help couples to start to talk to each other again, to think about all the good times they had and to work through the problems they have – for their own and their children’s sakes!
26. Repair every broken relationship in South Africa today in the Name of Jesus.
27. Teach all of us to run to You, to forgive others, to mend relationships that we can so that we can all go to heaven!
28. I give You the Ownership of every broken relationship in South Africa.
29. Please open our eyes to see the damage these broken relationships is doing and to mend it – if only to do the right thing in Your eyes.
30. Thank You Lord that You are the big Healer – not only of our bodies, but our souls, minds, emotions and relationships.
31. Thank You that You are going to do miracles in broken relationships!
32. I speak Your life into every broken relationship, that You will repair it in the Name of Jesus and that You will lead us all into the right relationships with each other and with You!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Please feel free to copy, paste and send.

The Bible says in Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV):
For if you forgive men when they sin against you, you heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins your Father will not forgive your sins.
Ouch, this is hard words - words that we don't want to hear but have to hear! So let's just read the last part again.
But if you do not forgive men their sins your Father will not forgive your sins.
Hard words for all of us to hear! This means: forgive your ex husband/ wife, forgive the guy that stole from you, even forgive the person that has done unspeakable things to you as a child. Forgive your parents for mistakes they made when you were a young child. And last but not the least: forgive yourself for mistakes you have made towards others.
Before you hit me with a stick, I just want to say: I have been there and I had to walk this long road of forgiveness myself.
It is not a nice road to walk at first, but a very good road to walk on later. And the minute I knew I was getting somewhere is when I could pray for a guy that pulled the carpet from underneath me and my family, causing us severe pain, trauma and lots and lots of hate and unforgiveness. And I was not just praying for him. I begged God in tears to forgive him and not punish him or his children for his deeds. That was when I had the biggest breakthrough of my life!!!
Yes, I am not in your situation and I do not know what you have been through. I do understand that. But the Word does not say that this and this would excuse you from the above word. I wish it could, then life would be so easy.
Unforgiveness and hatred is your worst enemy, because it steals your joy and keeps binding you to the person that you hate and do not forgive. Read this again out loud so that it can sink in:
Unforgiveness and hatred is your worst enemy, because it steals your joy and keeps binding you to the person that you hate and do not forgive.
The person that you hate sometimes does not even know that you hate them, so it doesn't affect them at all. They have moved on. Maybe they have confessed their sins to God and got forgiven. And who gets hurts the most in this process? You - the one with the unforgiveness in your heart.
Jesus knew that we had to forgive in order for us to get free from things that is keeping us away from serving God with everything in us.
I know a lot of bad things has been done to you, which makes it very hard to forgive. I have so much empathy with you and I really do not judge you. No one knows what you are going through. I just want to give you a little guidance from the hard road I have travelled and try and help you to make things a little better.
You have to confess before God that you hate that person, that you are bitter against them, that you have unforgiveness in your heart.
A typical prayer could go like this: Father, you know what ..... did to me. I want to confess that I hate him/her, I despise him/her, I even wish he/she was dead. I have so much anger and bitterness against him/her. I don't want to forgive him/her.
But then you must tell God that His Word says you must forgive. Again a small prayer:
I don't want to forgive him/her Lord, but Your Word says if I do not forgive him/her his/her sins, You cannot forgive me my sins. And if you do not forgive my sins, then I might miss heaven. And I don't want to miss heaven. Therefor I want to forgive him/her and I want to set him/her free in the Name of Jesus.
Repeating thoughts?
We must remember that the devil walks around and he wants to keep us away from heaven. He loves it when we hate someone and does not forgive them, because then we stand a chance to miss heaven. He will target you with hatred memories and remind you of things the person did wrong. Whenever this happens, just confess it again before God, forgive the person and set him/her free in the Name of Jesus. If you have to do it a million times, please do it a million times!!!! It is so worth it!!!
Forgive yourself!
Maybe you were the one that did something wrong to someone else and hurt them very much. If you have confessed it before God before, He has forgiven you - because His Word says so!!
But... you have hold it against yourself for all these years. You have played God over your own life and not forgiven yourself! Now is the time to come clean and free before God.
Here is a prayer: Lord, I have sinned against ....... and in the process hurt her/him (and my children). For all these years I have hold this against myself, even though You have forgiven me already. I want to confess that I hate myself, that I have not forgiven myself. So... I forgive myself in the Name of Jesus and I set myself free.
Severe sins that cripples you.
There are things that may have been done to you as a child that makes it severely difficult to forgive someone (Spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse). In cases like this, it would help you to pray the following prayer:
Lord, you know what ...... did to me. And it is not easy for me to forgive him/her because I have to live with the consequences of his/her deeds. In fact, I do not want to forgive him/her. But Your Word says I must forgive him/her or You will not forgive me. So... because Your Word says that, and I want to do what Your Word says, I want to forgive ...... for what he/she did to me in the Name of Jesus and set him/her free. But Lord, You know I am suffering with this. Please help me to forgive him/her in the Name of Jesus - day by day by day. Take my hand, help me to forgive and never let go of my hand.
And again... if any thoughts pop up in your mind, confess, confess, confess.
I know that this can be difficult to do, because there are circumstances that had life altering effects on your whole life. But... if you start to forgive, you will be set free - little by little! You will feel a freedom that you have never felt before. It might come over a time if the trauma you had was severe, but you will just one day realize that you are not thinking of that person or situation so much! And this only comes through the help of God!
Remember: all things take time, especially when your emotions were bruised beyond compare. But in the end it is so worth it!
When you forgive, that person no longer has a hold on your life! When you forgive, you also give that hold that they had over your life away. When you forgive, your sins are forgiven and you are on your way to heaven! Is this not a wonderful???
May God reveal your unconfessed sins and unforgiveness to you, not to cripple you, but to heal you and to pick you up!!
Friday, November 16, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for a great morning! Thank You for a brand new day my King, a day in which I can again experience Your love, Your peace and Your grace. All the honor, glory and power belong only to You.
1. This morning I want to pray for the lawlessness in South Africa.
2. Lawlessness has spread all over the country in such severity that it is unthinkable and unacceptable.
3. You are a Lord that believes in law and the keeping of laws, because laws establish order, discipline and peace.
4. Lord, please stop the lawlessness in our government, government departments and political parties.
5. I pray that You will reveal all the lawlessness in government, all government offices and political parties, so that it will come to the light.
6. That which is in the light, can never be hidden again!
7. I pray for every person in South Africa, that we will once again crave for living within the law – especially Your law.
8. I beg of You that You will start a movement towards pushing the government to re-instate the death penalty in South Africa.
9. Crime, especially murders, would fall considerably if the death penalty is re-instated.
10. I pray that You will open the eyes of every government minister or official so that they would realize that they have to expel the Nigerians from this country.
11. The Nigerians bring drugs into South Africa, steal our children to sell them as sex slaves, use our children in their brothels and steal a lot of money through all their scams.
12. I pray that You will take away the flaps over their eyes of every government official so that they will see this big problem and get rid of it once and for all.
13. I pray that You will help each and every South African to be law abiding, to walk under the laws of this country, even if government is not enforcing them anymore.
14. I pray that employees would stop stealing from their employers.
15. I pray that You will stop every police man or woman involved in receiving money from gangsters and drug lords.
16. Flush all these people out and bring their lawlessness to the light so that they would have to flee from the law themselves.
17. Do not Let any person that stole or did corruption get away without being jailed!
18. I pray that You put an end to corruption and the lawlessness it brings to this country.
19. You know that our municipalities are nearly bankrupt because of corruption and lawlessness.
20. My King, please enforce Your laws on South Africa with power and majesty.
21. Let all of us once again turn back to You, and Your laws in the Bible, because those laws are not difficult to uphold if you serve Almighty Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
22. I pray that You will start with me – that You will once again teach me to obey Your laws – all of them.
23. Start with all the children of God, holding ourselves accountable before You and teaching others to be accountable to You too.
24. I pray that You will sweep over South Africa, touching the hearts of all the people, so that we will stand together to become lawful people in Your eyes once more.
25. Help us not to wait on the government to change, but Let the change start within our hearts, minds and souls – spreading through the whole of South Africa.
26. I give You the Ownership of every person in South Africa my King, so that You will change the hearts, minds, souls and beings of every South African to be law abiding citizens once more – even if our government is not yet set on this goal.
27. Stop people, that is going on their lawless ways and want to harm Your children in South Africa in any way, in their tracks.
28. Send Your angels to protect every child of You in South Africa from the enemy that want to confuse us, lead us into temptation and lead us on the road to lawlessness.
29. Set all Your children in South Africa’s foot on the right path to uphold every law in South Africa as if You have written them in our hearts.
30. Thank You that You will bring the deeds of all the lawless people in South Africa to the light, so that they would start to run from You – that sees EVERYTHING!
31. Thank You Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos, that You care enough for all of us here in South Africa that You will step in and save us from lawlessness and teach us Your Word and Your laws!
32. Thank You for every miracle that You are going to do in South Africa to stop lawlessness and all its consequences.
33. All the honor, glory and worship belongs to You!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!! Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
(Cannot share? Please feel free to copy, paste and send!)
Thank You for a great morning! Thank You for a brand new day my King, a day in which I can again experience Your love, Your peace and Your grace. All the honor, glory and power belong only to You.
1. This morning I want to pray for the lawlessness in South Africa.
2. Lawlessness has spread all over the country in such severity that it is unthinkable and unacceptable.
3. You are a Lord that believes in law and the keeping of laws, because laws establish order, discipline and peace.
4. Lord, please stop the lawlessness in our government, government departments and political parties.
5. I pray that You will reveal all the lawlessness in government, all government offices and political parties, so that it will come to the light.
6. That which is in the light, can never be hidden again!
7. I pray for every person in South Africa, that we will once again crave for living within the law – especially Your law.
8. I beg of You that You will start a movement towards pushing the government to re-instate the death penalty in South Africa.
9. Crime, especially murders, would fall considerably if the death penalty is re-instated.
10. I pray that You will open the eyes of every government minister or official so that they would realize that they have to expel the Nigerians from this country.
11. The Nigerians bring drugs into South Africa, steal our children to sell them as sex slaves, use our children in their brothels and steal a lot of money through all their scams.
12. I pray that You will take away the flaps over their eyes of every government official so that they will see this big problem and get rid of it once and for all.
13. I pray that You will help each and every South African to be law abiding, to walk under the laws of this country, even if government is not enforcing them anymore.
14. I pray that employees would stop stealing from their employers.
15. I pray that You will stop every police man or woman involved in receiving money from gangsters and drug lords.
16. Flush all these people out and bring their lawlessness to the light so that they would have to flee from the law themselves.
17. Do not Let any person that stole or did corruption get away without being jailed!
18. I pray that You put an end to corruption and the lawlessness it brings to this country.
19. You know that our municipalities are nearly bankrupt because of corruption and lawlessness.
20. My King, please enforce Your laws on South Africa with power and majesty.
21. Let all of us once again turn back to You, and Your laws in the Bible, because those laws are not difficult to uphold if you serve Almighty Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
22. I pray that You will start with me – that You will once again teach me to obey Your laws – all of them.
23. Start with all the children of God, holding ourselves accountable before You and teaching others to be accountable to You too.
24. I pray that You will sweep over South Africa, touching the hearts of all the people, so that we will stand together to become lawful people in Your eyes once more.
25. Help us not to wait on the government to change, but Let the change start within our hearts, minds and souls – spreading through the whole of South Africa.
26. I give You the Ownership of every person in South Africa my King, so that You will change the hearts, minds, souls and beings of every South African to be law abiding citizens once more – even if our government is not yet set on this goal.
27. Stop people, that is going on their lawless ways and want to harm Your children in South Africa in any way, in their tracks.
28. Send Your angels to protect every child of You in South Africa from the enemy that want to confuse us, lead us into temptation and lead us on the road to lawlessness.
29. Set all Your children in South Africa’s foot on the right path to uphold every law in South Africa as if You have written them in our hearts.
30. Thank You that You will bring the deeds of all the lawless people in South Africa to the light, so that they would start to run from You – that sees EVERYTHING!
31. Thank You Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos, that You care enough for all of us here in South Africa that You will step in and save us from lawlessness and teach us Your Word and Your laws!
32. Thank You for every miracle that You are going to do in South Africa to stop lawlessness and all its consequences.
33. All the honor, glory and worship belongs to You!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!! Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
(Cannot share? Please feel free to copy, paste and send!)
Friday, November 9, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for the most wonderful day! Thank You that Your love surrounds me, carry me. and lift me up! You are such a wonderful Savior!
1. This morning I want to pray for corruption in South Africa.
2. There is so much corruption in South Africa my King!
3. And instead of standing steadfast in You, Your children are also falling into the same trap of being corrupt and doing wrong things.
4. I beg that You will sweep over South Africa and chase away this spirit of corruption and stealing.
5. Demolish it in the Name of Jesus, so that everyone in South Africa will once again return to be super honest in You, to abide in Your law as set forth in Exodus 20.
6. You said there in verse 20: You shall not steal.
7. But... there is corruption and stealing everywhere in South Africa.
8. The worst this is that Your children is joining this corrupt spirit.
9. I pray that You will bring all corruption to the light in South Africa with dire consequences please Lord.
10. When something is brought to the light, it can never be hidden in darkness again.
11. I plead that You will move through South Africa, bringing all corruption to the light so that it can be dealt with swiftly.
12. If Your children are busy with corruption and stealing, please touch their hearts so that they will humble themselves, stop this and return to You.
13. I pray for corruption to end in our government.
14. Break all the spells and forefather beliefs that has closed their eyes for the truth.
15. Break every belief system that is not from You.
16. Change their hearts, minds and souls around so that they will not do this anymore, but run to You and adhere to Your Word!
17. I pray for corruption in our municipalities.
18. Oh Lord, only You know the extent of this problem throughout South Africa.
19. Let the culprits be brought to the light and let them get the punishment they deserve.
20. Open the eyes of persons within the departments where corruption is committed, so that they will spill the beans and people will be caught out.
21. I pray for corruption in the South African police.
22. You know that some of our police officers is working directly with the criminals to score money out of their deals.
23. I beg that You will reveal this and that South Africa would be rid of the corrupt police.
24. Please replace this corrupt police officers with officers that serve You and that want to serve the community in truth and honesty.
25. We need honest police men and women in South Africa, that really want to serve the community and protect the community against crime – not be part of the crime!
26. I pray for all employees working for the government – even in hospitals – that You will reveal their corruption and open their eyes to see how wrong it is in Your eyes.
27. I pray for all South Africans that is part of this corruption spree, that You will open their eyes to see that they are wrong.
28. I especially pray for Your children who has joined this mad spree of corruption flowing through this country.
29. Speak to them in a loud voice Lord and let them know, at this moment, that You see EVERYTHING THEY ARE DOING!
30. Even if people do not see and know their deeds, You see everything and that they will be dealt with by You on Your own time.
31. Help Your children to realize the wrong they are doing, and to return to You, confess their sins and not do it anymore.
32. Help all of us in South Africa to run back to You, to serve You in honesty and truth!
33. I give You the Ownership of every corrupt person in South Africa, so that You will deal with them in Your own way.
34. Thank You Lord that You are working with all of us in South Africa, to turn back to You, leave our sinful ways and walk in the footsteps of Jesus.
35. I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share!! Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Please feel free to copy, paste and send.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for a great morning and Your lovely Presence in my life. Thank You that You are always there for me and that You will place my feet on the right path to serve You!
1. This morning I want to pray against all hate in South Africa.
2. South Africa is such a diverse country with diverse people.
3. But people from different nations also means hate from both sides.
4. And most of this hate between races is stirred on by people with bad agendas.
5. I first want to pray that You will heal South Africa from hate between different nations and cultures.
6. I confess any hate that is in my heart towards other races – known or unknown to me.
7. Help me not to hate any person in South Africa, but rather to spread Your love to every person in South Africa.
8. Open the eyes of every person in South Africa so that we will see how destructive hate is to our body.
9. We think we hate someone else and they will feel it, but meantime we are causing a lot of damage to our own body.
10. Please replace the hatred in our hearts with the fruit of the Spirit, because that is not damaging to anyone, but to the benefit of every person in South Africa.
11. Let us realize that the devil is using hatred between races to keep us all from living the great life You have prepared for us!!
12. I want to pray against hate between husband and wife, parents and children.
13. The devil is trying to steal the marriages and relationships between parents and children, because that would lead to bitterness, hatred and blame in all the parties involved.
14. And Your Word says that, If we cannot forgive someone, You cannot forgive us.
15. Repair relationships between husband and wife, parents and their children Lord.
16. Give every person involved a workable plan to resolve their issues and stand before You – cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
17. Let every husband and wife and parents and children realize that life is short and they must rather walk together in Your peace.
18. Help them to pray together and stay together.
19. Hate towards siblings: so many people do not talk to each other for years on end, because something happened that made them hate one of their siblings.
20. I pray that You will restore the relationships between siblings so that they can support and love each other in the Name of Jesus.
21. Employer and employee hate: I pray that You will help all employers to see their employees as people with emotions – not just machines doing jobs.
22. And where relationships between employers and employees has gone bad, that You will restore that and teach us all that we must work together as a team – team Jesus!!!!
23. I pray against hate towards the government and all involved.
24. So many wrong things has been done in the past, and we keep hating the government and everybody in it for their mistakes.
25. I pray that You will open our eyes to pray for the government and all people involved, until You turn their hearts over to You and serve You.
26. Only when they truly serve You, will they tap into Your brain and heart and listen to Your voice.
27. Turn every government- and municipal employee over to You so that they would only listen to Your voice and do things that is right in Your eyes.
28. I pray against the hate for people that did wrong things against us.
29. I confess that I hate people that did wrong things against me – knowing or unknowing.
30. And Your Word says that You cannot forgive me, if I do not forgive.
31. Because Your Word says so, I forgive every person that I hate in the Name of Jesus.
32. But I am weak Lord and I pray that You will remind me constantly to forgive if any thought of hate enters my mind!
33. I pray that You will clean all the hatred – knowing and unknowing – in my heart and cleanse me through the blood of Jesus.
34. Fill my whole being with the fruit of the Spirit and make me an instrument of Your peace and tranquility here on earth.
35. Start with me Lord, not with other people.
36. Help me to forgive easy, to love all people – no matter what race – with the love of Jesus and to be a servant to all people here in South Africa.
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share!! Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
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