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Thursday, October 5, 2017


It seems so easy to thank God.  But... sometimes it is very hard to start to thank God and to know how to thank Him!  And sometimes you are caught up so deep in trauma, stress and depression that you do not even know where to start.  Well, I have been there and got to such a place that I wanted to thank God but did not even know where to start.  So, here is a very easy method to get you off your feet. 


The best way to start, especially if you are going through a lot of trauma or cannot think straight, is to start writing/typing your prayer.  This will help your mind to focus on what you are doing.  You can either write in a journal or type on a computer. If you are Afrikaans, try to write in English.  This will help you to concentrate even more.  But… if you are not a writer, just use the headings and pray whatever you feel like.


On a clean page write one of the following headings.  Underneath the heading you write, in small sentences what you want to say.  Here is an example:

1.     WITH MY HAND IN YOURS... (Imagine that Jesus is standing next to you and that He is holding your hand)

I  I can do all things!!!
I  Nothing is impossible for me
I  I look forward to the day ahead, because You are already there!
I  I feel Your calmness, Your Presence, Your peace ...
I  (Keep on writing until you feel you have said enough.  
Then go to the next heading.)

2.    WHEN I LOOK INTO YOUR EYES... (Imagine looking into the eyes of Jesus and seeing His love for you!)

I I love no one else here on earth more than I love You my King
I  I know You look right through me, that You see all my sins, all my mistakes, everything I’m hiding, yet... You still love me sooooo much!!!!!
I  I can see that You love me so very much!!! ...
I  (Again keep on writing until you are satisfied.  Then go to the next heading.)

3.    YOU ARE THE ONE....

I  That has created heaven, earth and the whole cosmos
I  That deserves all honour, glory and praise
I  That I love with my whole being
I  that I want to serve for the rest of my life!  Please help me where I am weak! ...

4.     YOU ARE...

I  Wonderful
I  Master
I  Creator of heaven, earth and the whole universe
I  Worthy to be praised
I  Master and King most high!
I  Elohim – the One to whom all power belongs!!! ...

5.     THANK YOU FOR...

I  Food
I  Clothes
I  Our house and vehicles
I  A work
I  My spouse and kids....


I  Kindness
I  Goodness
I  Grace
I  Love
I  Mercy...


I  Never give up on me
I  Love me so much that You say no sometimes, because You know what is best for me
I  Listen to every prayer I pray
I  Are only a whisper away.  That is soooooo near my King!!! ...


I  know me so well, yet You still care for me
I  Have died on the cross for our sins Jesus
I  Are such a wonderful God, the greatest Friend ever and Comforter that always cares!
I  Care so much for us as human beings! ...

9.     I DECLARE...

I  That I love You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
I  That me and my house WILL serve You
I  That You are the only living God in the whole universe!!!  Halleluja!!!!!

You do not have to pray through all 9 headings if your time is limited.  Sometimes you will pray more in one heading than in others.  There is no right or wrong way .  The main thing is to get praying and thanking God!! 

May the Creator of heaven, earth and the universe teach and guide you further in your thanksgiving!  Be blessed in the Name of Jesus!

Ps.  Please fill in your name and e-mail address at the top of the page to receive articles as they are published.  You can opt out at any time.  In 2018 more articles for emotional health and support will be published.

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