Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for the rain that has fallen in several places. I give all the honor, glory and power to You because You provided in our deepest needs. You are an amazing God, Master and King!
1. This morning I want to pray that You will draw every person in South Africa closer to You.
2. You know that circumstances make us negative and tend to draw us away from You.
3. I pray that You will move over South Africa and touch every person so that we will want to become more and more like Jesus!
4. Help us all here in South Africa to choose only one new year’s resolution: to move closer to You.
5. I pray that You will touch every heart in South Africa to read the Bible again so that You can speak into our hearts.
6. I pray that people will make the choice to have their quiet time before You every morning or evening - a date with You that will be kept daily!
7. I pray that You will touch our hearts so that we will confess our sins – no matter what - before You, be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and be renewed in Christ!
8. I pray that all of us in South Africa will turn back to the heart of worship!
9. Help us to listen to Christian music so that it can fill our hearts, minds, souls and beings!
10. Help us all to have one evening in the week that we will commit to spending time with You – as a family.
11. Father, in the Name of Jesus, lead us all back to serving You in honesty and truth!
12. Help us not to focus on the negative circumstances, but to focus on You – our Helper, our Provider, our best Friend!
13. Place in us the overwhelming need to want to serve You, to want to talk to You, to want to spend time with You.
14. Holy Spirit, please move over South Africa and touch the hearts of every person to turn around to You.
15. Don’t let any person in South Africa go astray but keep on knocking on the door of our hearts until we just surrender to You.
16. I plead that You will not leave any person untouched in South Africa.
17. Help us not to focus on the negative circumstances, but to KNOW that the Ownership of South Africa belongs to You and You will help us all!
18. This morning I want to stand in the gap for every person in South Africa, confess their sins – known and unknown before You.
19. Do not let anyone slip out of Your hands Lord, but sweep over South Africa with Your love, Your mercy, Your grace.
20. Show us what is wrong in our lives, keep it before us until we confess and give over to You!
21. Thank You that You want to draw us closer to You.
22. Thank You that You died on the cross Jesus so that we could all be saved!
23. Thank You that You will touch every person in South Africa with Your miraculous wonders, changing hearts in an instant and keep on knocking until people just give over to You.
24. Thank You that You want to send us revival, but that You are just waiting for us to stop our own plans and just give over to You.
25. Lord, I declare that my ONLY New year’s resolution is to get closer to You, to spend more time with You and to sit at Your feet all the time!
26. Thank You that Your grace and mercy is sufficient for all of us in South Africa!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
(Please feel free to copy, paste and send.)
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Saturday, December 29, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos. But thank You that You also care so much for me that You send Your Son to die for my sins! I love You sooooo much!
1. This morning I want to pray for the people abusing alcohol and drugs.
2. 767 people died from 1-20 December 2018 on the roads of South Africa - about 40 people killed on the road daily! (
3. 1000 motorists were arrested for drunk driving between 1-20 December 2018 already!
4. I want to beg with You to step in and prevent people using drugs and alcohol from even going on the roads.
5. Please help their family and friends to rather take them home when they are too wasted to drive.
6. I pray that You will open the eyes of the alcohol and drug abusers so that they will see how they are destroying their relationships and the lives of those around them.
7. I pray that You will keep people from drinking and using too much drugs this festive season.
8. Let people rather decide to drink Coffee, tea or soft drinks.
9. I plead with You for the families of the alcohol and drug abusers.
10. They go through bad times, are physically and mentally abused.
11. Please pull a blanket of protection over every family member of the alcohol and drug abusers so that they would be protected from physical and mental abuse.
12. Oh Lord, so many bad things happen when people abuse alcohol and drugs.
13. Please sweep over South Africa and touch the abuser’s hearts so that they will turn around and see that they become monsters when abusing alcohol and drugs.
14. If possible, show them a picture of themselves abusing alcohol and drugs and what they really look like through the eyes of other people.
15. I pray that You will make them responsible for their deeds by not driving, not abusing their families emotionally and physically!
16. Please keep them away from the roads and help others around them to rather take them home so that they are not a danger to innocent people on the road!
17. Enfold all Your children, that will be driving on the roads, from collisions with alcohol and drug abusers.
18. Lord, touch the alcohol and drug abuser’s hearts so that they will be healed from the very things that is driving them to the abuse.
19. Let the abusers rather run to You for help.
20. Oh my King, I cry before You for alcohol and drug abusers, because they destroy so many lives around them!
21. Don’t let them continue on this road of destruction, but bring them back to You and get answers in You!
22. Do not allow the devil to steal from the victims of alcohol and drug abusers Lord, but give them a fair warning so that they could get away in time.
23. Please have mercy on drug and alcohol abusers Lord and show them that You are the answer to all their problems, to all their heartache and all their pain!
24. I bring every alcohol and drug abuser before You this morning and put them all on Your lap!
25. Please don’t let them get of Your lap without talking to them, without giving them a look at themselves, without healing them.
26. Father, touch every alcohol and drug abuser’s heart, not because they deserve it, but because Your mercy and grace is so wonderful.
27. I give You the ownership of every drug and alcohol abuser in South Africa
28. Only You can touch their hearts and turn their lives around to You.
29. I pray for...... (pray here for someone you know that is abusing alcohol and drugs.)
30. Thank You that You will touch their lives my King!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Thank You that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos. But thank You that You also care so much for me that You send Your Son to die for my sins! I love You sooooo much!
1. This morning I want to pray for the people abusing alcohol and drugs.
2. 767 people died from 1-20 December 2018 on the roads of South Africa - about 40 people killed on the road daily! (
3. 1000 motorists were arrested for drunk driving between 1-20 December 2018 already!
4. I want to beg with You to step in and prevent people using drugs and alcohol from even going on the roads.
5. Please help their family and friends to rather take them home when they are too wasted to drive.
6. I pray that You will open the eyes of the alcohol and drug abusers so that they will see how they are destroying their relationships and the lives of those around them.
7. I pray that You will keep people from drinking and using too much drugs this festive season.
8. Let people rather decide to drink Coffee, tea or soft drinks.
9. I plead with You for the families of the alcohol and drug abusers.
10. They go through bad times, are physically and mentally abused.
11. Please pull a blanket of protection over every family member of the alcohol and drug abusers so that they would be protected from physical and mental abuse.
12. Oh Lord, so many bad things happen when people abuse alcohol and drugs.
13. Please sweep over South Africa and touch the abuser’s hearts so that they will turn around and see that they become monsters when abusing alcohol and drugs.
14. If possible, show them a picture of themselves abusing alcohol and drugs and what they really look like through the eyes of other people.
15. I pray that You will make them responsible for their deeds by not driving, not abusing their families emotionally and physically!
16. Please keep them away from the roads and help others around them to rather take them home so that they are not a danger to innocent people on the road!
17. Enfold all Your children, that will be driving on the roads, from collisions with alcohol and drug abusers.
18. Lord, touch the alcohol and drug abuser’s hearts so that they will be healed from the very things that is driving them to the abuse.
19. Let the abusers rather run to You for help.
20. Oh my King, I cry before You for alcohol and drug abusers, because they destroy so many lives around them!
21. Don’t let them continue on this road of destruction, but bring them back to You and get answers in You!
22. Do not allow the devil to steal from the victims of alcohol and drug abusers Lord, but give them a fair warning so that they could get away in time.
23. Please have mercy on drug and alcohol abusers Lord and show them that You are the answer to all their problems, to all their heartache and all their pain!
24. I bring every alcohol and drug abuser before You this morning and put them all on Your lap!
25. Please don’t let them get of Your lap without talking to them, without giving them a look at themselves, without healing them.
26. Father, touch every alcohol and drug abuser’s heart, not because they deserve it, but because Your mercy and grace is so wonderful.
27. I give You the ownership of every drug and alcohol abuser in South Africa
28. Only You can touch their hearts and turn their lives around to You.
29. I pray for...... (pray here for someone you know that is abusing alcohol and drugs.)
30. Thank You that You will touch their lives my King!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for a great morning and that You are watching over every one of us! Thank You that Your love is enough for us.
1. This morning I want to pray for fear and stress in South Africa.
2. At this time of year, stress levels are very high, and people just want to fight.
3. I pray that You will move over South Africa and touch every person in South Africa so that we will be calm and relaxed.
4. Fill our hearts with Your peace that surpasses all understanding my King
5. Please help family members not to fight with each other, but to realize that time is so short and that they have to be in peace with each other.
6. Please work in the hearts of the people at radio stations so that they will start to play peaceful music in order for people to relax!
7. Please help people not to spend so much on Christmas gifts this year, so that their stress levels will not go up because of unnecessary spending.
8. Touch South Africa Lord, so that we will start to rest in You and find our peace and tranquility in You!
9. Fear is still crippling all people in South Africa.
10. We are so uncertain of all the things we hear in the news, things that can affect all of us so severely in the future in this country.
11. Oh Lord, we have so much fear in our inner being, because our second basic need is not met in South Africa – SECURITY.
12. We have no security that we will not be killed during the night, that our land will not be taken away, that our business will not be taken away, that we will not be raped.
13. And we hear about the Chinese that wants to take over this country.
14. We give You the Ownership of every problem, everything that is done in the dark, every person in South Africa that has the wrong set of mind.
15. Please protect us, the innocent people, from people with dark motives, people that is just working for their own pockets and their own gain!
16. Please pull a blanket of protection over every child of You in South Africa, and please send Your angels to watch over us!
17. Please help us to remember that fear is not from You, but peace is!
18. Help us to rest in You, to have so much peace that we will not be upset about what is going on, but would know that You are in control.
19. Please take away the fear in our hearts Lord, and replace it with Your tranquility, Your peace that surpass all understanding.
20. Break the spirit of fear that is running through South Africa and is propagated by people with bad hearts and bad motives.
21. Lord, please work with the hearts of these bad people and turn their hearts around to You!
22. Thank You that You are now filling each one of US with Your peace, Your tranquility, Your Word.
23. Thank You that You will send Your Holy Spirit to touch our hearts.
24. Thank You that You will turn our hears full of fear around to hearts that is trusting You IN EVERYTHING!
25. Thank You that we are just giving over to You now – our hearts, minds, souls, our beings.
26. Thank You that You will bring changes in our attitudes, make us calm and relaxed in You.
27. Thank You that You will never leave or forsake us, but that You are right there next to and in us.
28. Thank You that we will see Your miracles throughout this year and next year and that we will give You the glory.
29. I speak Your life, Your peace and tranquility into every person in South Africa and I thank You for caring and touching people in South Africa!
30. You are an amazing God and all the power, honor and glory belongs just to You!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit
Thank You for an amazing day and that You are always there for me. Thank You that You are only a whisper away. You are the most awesome God in the whole universe! All power, honor and glory belongs to You!
1. This morning I want to pray for peace and tranquility in South Africa.
2. This past year had so much violence, so much bad things that happened.
3. By this time of the year, people are so irritated, frustrated and jump in each other’s throats for nothing.
4. I pray that You will start to move over South Africa and give each one of us Your peace and tranquility that surpasses all understanding.
5. Give us peace between races and remove all hatred and those people that is blowing things up to create more hatred.
6. I pray that we will all rather see each other through the eyes of Jesus and love each other with the love of Jesus.
7. I pray for peace in families this holiday season.
8. I pray that, instead of fighting, families would love each other with the love of Jesus, once again see the good qualities in each other and appreciate it.
9. I pray that people will not drink too much in this season that we are celebrating Your birth Jesus, but that they would rather get drunk with You.
10. I beg You to give peace and tranquility to all the children of South Africa.
11. Please help them to obey their parents and not to challenge them during this season.
12. I pray that You will touch every person that want to steal this season, turn their hearts around to You and help them not to do this.
13. I pray that all South Africans will once again realize the value of good music and listen to music to change their hearts, minds and souls!
14. Let families enjoy good music together, and thus bring peace into their hearts.
15. Music can flow where not even blood can flow!
16. Let music bring all South Africans together this end of the year – changing our hearts forever.
17. I beg from You that radio stations will only play peaceful, calming and tranquil music this year to calm the minds and souls of all South Africans!
18. I pray that You Yourself will comfort those that has lost a loved one during this year.
19. I plead with my whole heart, that You will bring peace and tranquility to a Country that is so broken, had such bad news and bad incidents throughout the year.
20. Lord, heal our hearts, minds, souls and beings with Your fruit of the Spirit.
21. Fill us with Your love in such a way that our cups will overrun with Your love, Your peace, Your tranquility.
22. Touch EVERY PERSON in South Africa with Your Spirit, that is not heavy, but is uplifting.
23. Lord, please do not wait for people to grant You permission into their lives.
24. Just fill us all in South Africa with You, Your love, peace and tranquility.
25. Fill the whole country, the sky, the air we breathe, with You, Your love, Your kindness.
26. Remind us to do good things to others and to open up our hearts to others.
27. In tears I plead this from You my King, because only You can change a nation, turn them around so that the whole world can see Your glory!
28. Thank You that the Ownership of every person in South Africa belongs to You.
29. I speak Your life, Your love, Your tranquility, Your peace into every person in South Africa.
30. Thank You that You are giving every person in South Africa a heart of worship!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!!
Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Thank You for a wonderful morning – full of Your love and promises. I adore You my Master! All the honor, glory and power belong just to You!
1. This morning I want to pray for the homeless and hungry people in South Africa.
2. Long term unemployment (no work for a year or more) has risen to a staggering 28% -
6,2 million people without a work for a year or more in South Africa!
3. Oh Lord, this is almost to painful to think about – all or some of those people not having a home or even going to bed without food.
4. This morning I want to plead for the homeless and hungry people, that You will provide for them in miraculous ways my King!
5. The crime is so high, yet some of these people have to sleep under a bush somewhere in a veld – being open targets for crime.
6. I pray that You will send miracles to the homeless and hungry people in this month of December when we commemorate Your birth.
7. Open our eyes Lord so that we can see the homeless and hungry people’s plea for help, stand up and do something about it.
8. I pray that You will provide them with a work or help them to start to create their own business of some sorts to survive.
9. I pray that You will give them supernatural ideas on how to start a small business just to provide in their basic needs.
10. I pray that You will open our hearts so that we will give at least one person. a place to stay – if we have the space to do that.
11. I pray that You will open our hearts to realize how blessed we are to have a house, food to eat and a place to lay our heads in the night.
12. Lord, help me to stand up and try and do something for the homeless and hungry people!
13. You say in Matt. 25:42+43 For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite Me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe Me....
14. And then in Matt. 25:45: ... I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me. (Jesus)
15. Lord, my Lord, forgive me for being selfish and not looking after all people here on earth!
16. Forgive me Lord that I call myself Your child, but I neglect the people with a need for the most basic things on this earth – a home and food to eat.
17. Help me to never turn a blind eye, but to start to help – even with the smallest amount possible.
18. I plead with You to help every homeless and hungry person this morning so that they will at least have something to eat.
19. I give You the ownership of every homeless and hungry person in South Africa. Please take care of them like only You can!
20. Bless every homeless and hungry person in South Africa with only one person on their road this morning that would provide in their most basic need – food.
21. Oh my King, enfold the homeless and hungry in Your hands and do not let go of them.
22. Help them to know that You care about them – no matter where they are at this stage!
23. Provide n their most basic needs Lord, but give them even more – like You always do.
24. Give each one of them not only food this morning, but Your food of the soul.
25. Enfold them with Your mercy, grace and love.
26. Provide for every homeless and hungry person miraculously this morning and every other morning Lord.
27. And help me to help them in any way I possibly can – even the smallest help I can give.
28. Help me never ever to turn a blind eye on these people, but to help them in every possible way I can.
29. Please send Your angels to protect every homeless and hungry person in South Africa this morning.
30. And please help all the homeless and hungry people in South Africa to at least have something to eat on Christmas day when we are all feasting away.
31. Thank You Lord that You care about every homeless and hungry person and that You know each one of them by their name.
32. Thank You that You will provide for each one of them in South Africa – using all of us that is dripping with richness because we have a home and food!
I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!
Please share so that more people can pray together!! Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
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