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Friday, November 2, 2018


Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for a great morning and Your lovely Presence in my life.  Thank You that You are always there for me and that You will place my feet on the right path to serve You!

1. This morning I want to pray against all hate in South Africa.

2. South Africa is such a diverse country with diverse people.

3. But people from different nations also means hate from both sides.

4. And most of this hate between races is stirred on by people with bad agendas.

5. I first want to pray that You will heal South Africa from hate between different nations and cultures.

6. I confess any hate that is in my heart towards other races – known or unknown to me.

7. Help me not to hate any person in South Africa, but rather to spread Your love to every person in South Africa.

8. Open the eyes of every person in South Africa so that we will see how destructive hate is to our body.

9. We think we hate someone else and they will feel it, but meantime we are causing a lot of damage to our own body.

10. Please replace the hatred in our hearts with the fruit of the Spirit, because that is not damaging to anyone, but to the benefit of every person in South Africa.

11. Let us realize that the devil is using hatred between races to keep us all from living the great life You have prepared for us!!

12. I want to pray against hate between husband and wife, parents and children.

13. The devil is trying to steal the marriages and relationships between parents and children, because that would lead to bitterness, hatred and blame in all the parties involved.

14. And Your Word says that, If we cannot forgive someone, You cannot forgive us.

15. Repair relationships between husband and wife, parents and their children Lord.

16. Give every person involved a workable plan to resolve their issues and stand before You – cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

17. Let every husband and wife and parents and children realize that life is short and they must rather walk together in Your peace.

18. Help them to pray together and stay together.

19. Hate towards siblings:  so many people do not talk to each other for years on end, because something happened that made them hate one of their siblings.

20. I pray that You will restore the relationships between siblings so that they can support and love each other in the Name of Jesus.

21. Employer and employee hate:  I pray that You will help all employers to see their employees as people with emotions – not just machines doing jobs.

22. And where relationships between employers and employees has gone bad,  that You will restore that and teach us all that we must work together as a team – team Jesus!!!!

23. I pray against hate towards the government and all involved.

24. So many wrong things has been done in the past, and we keep hating the government and everybody in it for their mistakes.

25. I pray that You will open our eyes to pray for the government and all people involved, until You turn their hearts over to You and serve You.

26. Only when they truly serve You, will they tap into Your brain and heart and listen to Your voice.

27. Turn every government- and municipal employee over to You so that they would only listen to Your voice and do things that is right in Your eyes.

28. I pray against the hate for people that did wrong things against us.

29. I confess that I hate people that did wrong things against me – knowing or unknowing.

30. And Your Word says that You cannot forgive me, if I do not forgive.

31. Because Your Word says so, I forgive every person that I hate in the Name of Jesus.

32. But I am weak Lord and I pray that You will remind me constantly to forgive if any thought of hate enters my mind!

33. I pray that You will clean all the hatred – knowing and unknowing – in my heart and cleanse me through the blood of Jesus.

34. Fill my whole being with the fruit of the Spirit and make me an instrument of Your peace and tranquility here on earth.

35. Start with me Lord, not with other people.

36. Help me to forgive easy, to love all people – no matter what race – with the love of Jesus and to be a servant to all people here in South Africa.

I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood and Cross of Jesus and I just want to say that I love You very much!


Please share!!  Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”

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