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Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You for Your Presence and that You are a loving Father that cares for Your children. All honor and glory belongs only to You.

1. Lord, today I want to pray for South Africa, but… I will have to start with myself first.

2. I want to confess that I am not warm and on fire for You Lord, but I have turned lukewarm and even cold.

3. I must confess that I have allowed all the negative things I hear and see in South Africa to influence me and make me numb and full of fear.

4. By doing that, I have forsaken You – my First Love and the trust I must place in You.

5. Please forgive me Lord and once again teach me to focus on You, my Redeemer and Master.

6. I confess that I have not been Your disciple here in South Africa as I should have been.

7. If I did my job as disciple here in South Africa and I did it well, all the people of South Africa would have been Your children and would have been serving You.

8. Please forgive me for just sitting back and doing nothing, or just a little bit for You, and not what I should have done from the beginning.

9. I confess that everything that is happening in South Africa has made me negative and even spurred on thoughts of hatred and racism.

10. Please forgive me for that Lord, because in Your eyes, there is no race. You don’t look at color my King, but at the hearts inside.

11. I confess that I have given in to negativity and depression because of the situation in South Africa.

12. Forgive me and help me to focus only on You, on Your love, Your hope and the future I have in You!

13. Please help me to concentrate more on Your Word and not on my surroundings and things happening in South Africa.

14. I confess that I have failed You totally my Father, but that I do love You and I want to alter my ways.

15. Please show me how I can alter my ways so that I can walk in the footsteps of Jesus every day.

16. Pick me up Lord and teach me the path I must walk for You.

17. Please fill my being with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (N I version Galatians 5:22)

18. Please use me as an instrument here on earth to spread Your Word and Your love to every person in South Africa.

19. Use me where You need me Lord, because I have been born for a time like this!!

20. You prepared me to stand steadfast in You in times of trouble, and that is what I want to do!

21. Pick me up from the dust where I’m laying Lord, cleanse me with Your blood and heal my broken heart, body, soul and being.

22. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I will once again be on fire for You and Your Word, no matter what the circumstances.

23. I give You the Ownership of my mind, soul, body and whole being. Please take over and change and use me for Your kingdom here in South Africa!!

24. I declare that You are the Creator of heaven, earth and the cosmos!

25. I declare that I want to serve You with my whole heart, soul, body and being. Please help me when I fail and keep my feet on Your path for always.

26. I come and stand in the gap for every person in South Africa Lord and I want to confess all of our sins before You today.

27. Please forgive all of us in South Africa for what we have done wrong and have mercy on us Lord.

28. Please start to touch the hearts of every person in South Africa from the Cape right through South Africa.

29. Holy Spirit, have mercy on each one of us in South Africa and touch our hearts so that we will serve You with everything in us.

I love You very much and I need You!

Please share. Maybe somebody needs to pray this prayer today!

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